Hospital Visit

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Cameron was up in the observation room watching Katelyn work as he did so many times before. Katelyn saw him most of the times he'd been up there but never said anything. Instead, she always looked up and smiled at him and this time was no different.
Cameron was in his street clothes when Katelyn walked out of the infirmary. Cameron walked up next to her.
"Why is it that every time I'm in the infirmary you're watching me?" Katelyn asked with a smile. Cameron smiled.
"Maybe I'm not watching you. Maybe I'm watching out for Siler. He's in there a lot."
"You're watching out for Siler, are you?" Katelyn asked. Cameron nodded.
"I am."
"All right then," Katelyn laughed.
"Where are you going?" Katelyn asked after their short discussion.
"To the hospital," Cameron replied.
"The Air Force Hospital?" Katelyn asked. Cameron nodded.
"Do you think I can catch a ride with you? I was heading there as well. My friend is there," Katelyn explained. Cameron nodded.
"I'll wait outside for you to change," Cameron said as they made their way to the locker rooms.
Soon Katelyn was done, and they were on their way to the hospital.
"Thank you," Katelyn said as they were driving.
"For what?" Cameron asked. Katelyn smiled.
"Letting me ride with you."
"Well, I figured if we're both going to the same place, why not?" Cameron replied.
"Yeah, I guess you're right."
They arrived at the hospital in a short time. Cameron and Katelyn walked into the hospital and stopped at Cameron's friend's room.
"I'll see you later, Cameron. I'll be in room 306 when you're ready to leave," Katelyn said, squeezing his arm. Cameron nodded.
"All right. See you later, Katelyn."
As soon as Katelyn left Cameron's friend, Bryce started laughing.
"Who is that?" Bryce asked. Cameron smiled.
"Um, Katelyn? She's a doctor. I work with her," Cameron replied. Bryce looked at him
"You work with her?"
"Yeah," Cameron answered.
"Have you asked her out?" Bryce asked. Cameron shook his head.
"We work together."
"Is she in the military? She doesn't look military," Bryce asked.
"No," he said hesitantly.
"Then you can ask her out to dinner or something. She's hot. If you don't ask her out, I might."
"Fine, I was going to get some coffee. I'll ask her to go with me," Cameron relented. Bryce smiled and nodded.
"Go for it, Cam."
As Cameron walked down the hall to room 306, Katelyn was in Kaycee's room. Kaycee had just gotten her fall bladder removed.
"Hey Katelyn, I'm glad you could make it," Kaycee said smiling.
"Yeah me too. It didn't take us too long to get here," Katelyn replied.
"Us? Who'd you come with?" Kaycee asked.
"Cameron," Katelyn said. She had told Kaycee about working with him.
"Have you gone out with him yet?" Kaycee asked. Katelyn shook her head.
"He hasn't asked," Katelyn said with a frown. "He's perfect in every way. I doubt I'll ever get my chance with him. I'm probably not allowed to have a perfect man."
"Girl, man up. If he's not going to ask. You need to ask him. You're not twelve anymore," Kaycee scolded.
At that time, Cameron had knocked on Kaycee's door.
"Come in!" Kaycee shouted. Cameron walked in and as soon as Katelyn saw him, her cheeks went red. How much had he heard?
"Sorry for disturbing, but I was going out for coffee and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me Katelyn," Cameron asked. Kaycee smiled at Katelyn.
"Of course, let me just go talk to Kaycee's doctor and then we can go."
Cameron smiled and nodded. Katelyn left the room and Kaycee called after Cameron as he was about to leave.
"Colonel Mitchell!"
"Yes?" Cameron replied turning around.
"I don't pretend to know what it is that you and Katelyn do up in that mountain, but I do know that it's dangerous and top-secret. I know relationships are difficult for you guys. She'd kill me for saying anything, but I don't think you shouldn't overlook Katelyn for a potential dating choice."
Cameron nodded thoughtfully thinking about what Janet from one of the alternate universes had said about them being married and having a baby.
"Thanks," Cameron said slowly. Kaycee smiled.
"Think about what I said," Kaycee said as Katelyn walked back into the room to grab her coat.
"I'm ready to go," Katelyn announced with a smile. Cameron smiled when he saw her easy smile.
"Let's go."
Cameron led her out of the hospital. They crossed a street and came to a coffee shop. Cameron held the door open for Katelyn and she picked somewhere to sit. Soon a woman came and asked what they wanted. Each of them ordered and soon they were talking.
"So, I was thinking about what Dr. Fraiser was saying when they were at the SGC. Us being married I mean. I was thinking about it and if we're married in a different reality, then what does that mean for us here?" Cameron started a bit nervously. Katelyn smiled. She had hoped this was going where she thought it was going.
"The two times we were introduced to alternate realities Sam and Jack were always married or engaged. I think that if their jobs and ranks allowed them to they might have dated sooner and I'm not so sure there isn't something going on between them now. I'm not sure what you're asking for though," Katelyn replied.
Cameron looked at Katelyn and he remembered the first time he saw her. She was walking with Jack, Sam, Daniel, and Teal'c right before the big firefight with Anubis. She wasn't all done up and she looked tired as hell from being on a Cargo Ship for who knows how many hours.
Cameron remembered that from the moment he saw her, he knew there was something about her, but at the time he didn't know what. He smiled at Katelyn.
"From the moment I saw you down in Antarctica, I've felt something for you. I didn't know what it was, but I think I know now. I want the chance to see if what I'm feeling for you is real," Cameron said with conviction. Katelyn smiled.
"Me too."
"So, you want to try this?" Cameron asked. Katelyn nodded her head.
"I do."
Cameron and Katelyn walked back to the hospital and Katelyn went to Bryce's room to meet him before going back to Kaycee's.
"Hello, Major Ferguson. I'm Katelyn Warner," Katelyn said with a smile and an outstretched hand. Bryce took her hand and shook it. Bryce shot a smile at Cameron who smiled back.
"So where did you and Cameron meet?" Bryce asked. Cameron and Katelyn exchanged glances.
"He was test flying the 302s and he crashed. I was on the medical staff during the test flights. I found him there," Katelyn responded. Bryce smiled.
"You don't really expect me to believe you were really test piloting 302s, do you?"
Cameron and Bryce both had been up for the 302 program, but then Bryce got hurt and couldn't be a candidate anymore.
"I know you're doing something top secret in Cheyenne Mountain " Bryce persisted.
Katelyn and Cameron didn't say anything. Katelyn just shrugged her shoulders and left to say goodbye to Kaycee.
When Katelyn returned, Cameron and Bryce were arguing.
"You can tell me, it's not like I'd tell anybody and I'm dying," Bryce complained. Cameron shook his head.
"I can't."
"I think you're doing something with aliens. I saw the lights in the sky a few months ago and what about the new influenza virus that was going around earlier this year. You guys really need to work on your cover stories."
Katelyn wondered how he could guess at something like that. It was so unbelievable she would have figured Bryce would have thought of something that sounded a little more realistic like building weapons or something like she had thought. Then again, Katelyn had never been in the military before.
Bryce eventually stopped asking questions and the three of them were just talking when Katelyn's phone vibrated in the pocket of her jeans. She took it out and saw on the caller ID that it was Daniel.
"Hello?" Katelyn said into the receiver.
"Katelyn, Teal'c's gone missing somewhere on Chulak. You and Cameron need to get here. We're sending search teams to find him," Daniel said sounded very concerned. "Sam and I are leaving soon, but we'll wait for you."
Katelyn pulled Cameron over to the side and told him what was going on.
"Cameron I think if you ask General Landry if you can borrow the memory device from Galar he might let you bring it to Bryce. He doesn't have much time left and if you really feel that guilty about what happened, this could be a way to make you even."
Katelyn and Cameron got to the SGC and asked General Landry for the memory device. He granted the request due to the fact Bryce didn't have long. He took Katelyn's word on that very seriously.
When Cameron and Katelyn got back to Bryce's room Cameron set the device on the bedside table.
"What's that?" Bryce asked. Cameron and Katelyn smiled mischievously.
"It's a little something we picked up from another planet," Cameron said. Bryce looked astonished then suspicious.
"Are you messing with me?" he asked seriously. Katelyn shook her head.
"Not at all, that's what we do under Cheyenne Mountain. We travel to other planets by use of a Stargate. Cameron and I are both on SG-1, the front line team," Katelyn explained. Bryce's eyes lit up like a kid's on Christmas morning.
"I've put some of my memories of the past year on here. Stick these to your head and I'll press play," Cameron explained.
Bryce did as Cameron told him and Cameron pressed play. A flood of memories overcame Bryce as he saw Katelyn, Sam, Daniel, and Teal'c. He saw them joking around at the SGC. He saw Cameron looking down at Katelyn as she worked in the infirmary. He saw SG-1 on another planet just talking and then when they were ambushed and emotions were high for thoughts they might not survive.
Bryce could almost feel the exhilaration of going through the Stargate. He saw times while they were briefing with General Landry and when someone was coming in hot from another planet. Cameron pressed the stop button.
"You care a lot for Katelyn. She's in a lot of your memories, more personal than the others," Bryce said Cameron smiled.
"Teal'c's in trouble and me and Katelyn have to go find him," Cameron said.
"It's hard to think of you with a gun and shooting people," Bryce said to Katelyn. Both Cameron and Katelyn smiled.
"She definitely kicks ass," Cameron replied. Bryce smiled at them.
"You better go save this Teal'c. He seems like a pretty good guy," Bryce said
"He is. I trust him with my life," Katelyn said with a smile. Cameron was about to unhook the memory device.
"Can I watch a little bit more?" Bryce asked with a slight smile. Cameron smiled.
"Of course."
Bryce nodded in the direction of the door as Katelyn and Cameron were leaving. They went back to the SGC to go to Chulak to find a missing family member, to find Teal'c.

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