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~Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life~


Daniel and Katelyn stayed in California for the rest of the week they were on leave. They went to Disneyland and Universal Studios as a way to remember their childhood.

Katelyn and Daniel learned a lot about each other that week. Katelyn learned about Daniel's parents and other people close to him. She learned about his life before he found out about the Stargate and how badly he was treated for his ideas, which turned out to be true. Daniel told Katelyn about his life afterward and about his adventures before she joined the team.

Daniel learned more about Katelyn's childhood and about her life before she joined the Stargate program. They got to know a lot about each other and they became better friends because of it.

Disneyland was a lot of fun, but Katelyn enjoyed Universal Studios more. The two of them went on all the rides and they laughed so much that day.

"I don't think I've had this much fun in forever," Katelyn said as they were getting off a roller-coaster.

"Me either," Daniel replied smiling at Katelyn.

Daniel and Katelyn walked to get some churros. Churros were Katelyn's favorite theme park snack, even if they were overpriced.

Daniel and Katelyn walked around eating their churros and drinking soda. They took so many pictures with the various Disney characters. Katelyn and Daniel jived on that trip.

Sometimes, there are those people that you just get along with and everything just clicks. You automatically feel at ease around them. Katelyn felt that way about Daniel and everyone on her team.

SG-1 brought her into their tight woven family without a second thought because sometimes people know when destiny is playing its hand in their lives.

Eventually, Daniel and Katelyn left and went back to their hotel room. They packed up and arrived at the airport for their flight back to Colorado Springs. While they were on the plane, Katelyn said,

"You know I'm kind of happy to go back to work."

"Me too, normally when we have leave I'm still at the SGC translating. I don't have much of a life," Daniel laughed.

They were home and back at the SGC in a matter of hours. Daniel went to his office and tried to get caught up with the new pictures of text other SG teams brought home. Katelyn went to the infirmary to check up on things there.

"Hey Janet, how are you today," Katelyn greeted. Janet smiled.

"Hey Katelyn, I'm doing fine. It's been busy here without you helping. Did you have fun in California?" Janet replied.

"Oh, well I'm back for a while. California was fun. How's Cassie doing?" Katelyn asked. Janet gave her a look.

"She's doing okay. Like any teenager, I guess. Thanks for asking."

"Well, I'll be back in a little bit. I'm going to see how the rest of my team is doing," Katelyn said. Janet nodded and waved as Katelyn left the infirmary.

Katelyn walked to Sam's office. She was in there working on something from the previous week.

"Hey Sam, how was your week off?" Katelyn asked. Sam looked up and put down what she was doing.

"Hey Katelyn, it was fun. I got a lot done on this. How was your week in California? I'm sorry I couldn't go with you," Sam replied, but Katelyn could tell she was distracted.

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