Lethal Dose

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~Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal~

-Headstone in Ireland

SG-1 continued through the Stargate to the planet they found out was named Langara. Each member of SG-1 went exploring at a different part of the city. Jack and Teal'c went to see the weapons. Sam went to see the technology they possessed. That left Daniel and Katelyn.

A very livelyKelowanan man named Jonas Quinn was escorting Daniel and Katelyn to watch their Naquadria project do one of its tests.

They were with each other until they passed the hospital. Daniel could see Katelyn hesitating. Daniel smiled, but Katelyn didn't seem him.

"I'm going to check out the hospital. I'll see you later Daniel. Bye Jonas, it was nice meeting you," Katelyn said. Daniel nodded as he knew she was going to ditch him as soon as she saw the hospital. Jonas smiled a little too big in Katelyn's direction.

"It was nice meeting you too, Dr. Warner," Jonas called down the hall resulting in a half-hearted wave from Katelyn.

Daniel and Jonas Quinn continued down the hall until they reached a locked door. Jonas slid a keycard and the door opened. Daniel walked into a big room with floor to ceiling windows. Inside the room in the middle was a glass container and a few men in white protective suits working on the container.

Daniel could tell whatever they were doing was dangerous. Jonas and he were behind the window watching the men work.

Upon watching a group of scientists, the object they were working on started to make a noise. It was kind of like a high pitched whining and it didn't sound good at all. The scientists in the room tried to run out of the room, but they were caught by the first blast of energy and they died almost instantly.

Daniel's mind was in a haze after he saw the men die. He knew the object was going to explode. If it did that, the whole city would be destroyed at the very least. They were working with a modified version of Naquadah called Naquadria. It was very unstable and Daniel thought it might have destroyed the people who used to occupy the planet.

Without thinking about what it would do to him, he took out his gun and shot at the glass windows in front of him. Jonas was freaking out after seeing the men die. He knew the container was going to explode too and didn't know what to do.

Daniel jumped into the room through the windows he shot out. He didn't feel it, but his arm was bleeding from a glass shard cutting him. Not even acknowledging his cut arm, Daniel rushed to the glass container and pulled it away from the power source. He was hoping it hadn't already gone critical. The whining stopped when he unplugged it and Daniel let out a sigh of relief. It was short-lived though.

Daniel held out his hands and slowly walked down the hall until he found Katelyn.

"What's wrong Daniel?" Katelyn asked, her smile falling when she saw Daniel's panicked look.

"I think I got a lethal dose of radiation," Daniel replied sadly.

Katelyn knew exactly what that meant and she radioed Jack. SG-1 returned to the Stargate in haste. When they reached the SGC the medical team was about to touch him to get him onto a gurney.

"Don't touch me!" Daniel yelled. Katelyn and Daniel rushed to the infirmary on foot with the rest of the medics running after them. Janet was there rushing to get a bed to him.

"What's wrong?" Janet asked. Katelyn looked at her with sad eyes. Tears brimmed over the edge of her eyes.

"He got a lethal dose of radiation," Katelyn struggled to get out. Janet gasped and her expression turned pained.

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