Chapter Forty Four

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Maybe Charlotte had given up on me. Maybe seeing me kill a man was finally enough for her, and she saw me for what I truly was.

It had been days since the fight and I hadn't seen her at all. A part of me hoped that they all came to their senses and realized what a dangerous game they were playing. Whatever the reason, I just hoped Niko hadn't found her out and done something to her. If he did, I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

Serena sat silently in the corner, trying to entertain herself. I'd been a bear to be around the last few days, and bit her head off any time she tried to talk to me. I felt guilty for treating her that way, but I didn't like being comforted. Not by my friends, not by Charlotte, certainly not by Serena. I was pissed off and angry and dealing with the reality that I may never see my wife and kids again now more than ever.

Even if I made it out of here, how could things ever go back to normal? How would Charlotte ever feel safe around me again? Or with our kids around me? She saw what I was capable of firsthand, and now she knew the depth of the dangerous potential inside of me. I'd never felt so raw and vulnerable in my life.

I was so lost in my dark thoughts that I hadn't even noticed Niko standing in front of me until he slammed his palm against the metal, causing the cage to rattle.

"You look down, Catalano." He smirked arrogantly. "What's on your mind?"

I gritted my teeth, not giving him the satisfaction of a reaction.

He bent down, so we were at eye level. "Nothing to say?" He clicked his tongue and chuckled. "It's not nearly as fun to poke the bear as it used to be."

"Then why drag this on?" I spat. "Why not kill me and get it over with?"

Niko scratched his chin like he was actually contemplating what I said. At this point, it would almost be a relief. Charlotte would be safer, she could go home, and she and the kids could finally move on. Hopefully, somewhere far away from the Mafia world.

"It would certainly make my life easier to be rid of you, but I'm not done having my fun with you yet. All in due time." Niko's face twisted into a smile. "You, on the other hand..." He turned his attention to Serena.

Her eyes widened as she sat frozen, terrified of what he might say next.

"You're just wasting my resources. I think it's time I exterminate my filthy ex-wife, don't you?"

One of the guards grunted. Niko slipped a key into the lock and open the door wide. Serena scrambled away from him as he stocked towards her.

I jumped up, positioning myself between the two of them. "You don't need to do this, Niko. This is my fault. This is about me."

He glared at me, appraising my challenge. His small pause gave me the green light to continue.

"I conned Serena into helping me. She had no idea what I was planning. I'm the one you want."

Niko rolled his eyes. "Luca, Luca, Luca. That hero complex you've got very well be the end of you. You think you can save everybody, but you couldn't even save yourself. But if you want her blood on your hands, I'll give it to you." He continued to walk towards her, and then down in front of her. I watched him carefully, wondering what exactly he meant by that. His fingers found their way to her chin and lifted it gently. Serena squeezed her eyes shut, whimpering softly. "I've got a riddle for you. If you get it right, Serena lives. If not..." He shrugged.

"What is it?" I asked. I should have expected nothing less from him. Niko loved playing games.

"There was once a wildly successful man. He had everything he could ever want, but it was never good enough. He always wanted more and was never satisfied. One day, he was walking in his field when he stumbled upon a golden bottle. He picked it up, and a genie appeared, promising to grant him three wishes. First, the greedy man wished for more wealth. The genie nodded, and a stack of gold appeared at his feet. It multiplied every day, but as his stack got bigger, he watched the rest of his village wither away. Next, he wished for immortality. It was great at first, but soon, he lived long enough to see everyone he ever loved die, including his wife and kids. He'd never been so lonely in all of his life. The genie appeared a final time, ready to grant him his last wish. What did the man wish for?"

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