Chapter 2 - The Program

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            As she blinked her eyes open for the first time since being taken, Molly could smell the cleanliness of the room, as strong as bleach. She looked around the room, which was completely white, even the two doors, which were adjacent to each other, where a bright white colour. She made an attempt to move her legs, but the white leather straps wrapped around them prevented the action. She tried her arms, but leather was fastened around them as well, and she struggled, attempting to free herself.

            Seconds later a door opened, and a man with short, brown hair, and green eyes walks in. “Good morning, Miss Hooper. I’m Dr Francis.”

            “Why the hell have you got me strapped?” Molly asked, still struggling against the leather.

            “Oh,” Francis said. “That’s only because we were afraid you may be violent upon awakening. You did bite one of the handlers.”

            Molly rolled her eyes and stopped moving. “Well, if you unstrap me, I’ll be willing to keep a calm conversation with you.”

            Dr Francis gave her a smile, and then walked over to her, unstrapping first her legs, and then her arms. “You know, we are only trying to help.”

            Molly sat up and rubbed her wrists where the straps had been. “By making me forget?”

            “Your memories are infected, Miss Hooper.” He explained. “The only way to help you is to get rid of your infected memories.”

            “You are taking away my friends, everything I know about myself, and my family. Will I remember how my sister and my father died? Will I even remember who I am?” Molly could feel tears stinging her eyes, but she didn’t care. She was already in The Program. What could happen now?

            Dr Francis walked back to the door, and turned his head. “Your first therapy appointment will be tomorrow morning with Dr Warren.” He smiled. “You’ll like her. A nurse will be here in a minute to help you get ready and show you around.” And at that, he walked out of the room.

            Molly looked down at the cushioned bed she had been laying on. It was white, along with the rest of the room, and a matching blanket sat on the ground to the right of her, folded. She picked it up and placed it at the end of the bed for later that night.

            Molly swung her legs over the side of the bed and placed them down. As she pushed herself to her feet, she realised that she had been heavily sedated, and the drug was still wearing off. She wobbled on her feet, and as she tried to take a step, a older, grandmotherly looking woman walked in.

            “Hello,” she said, smiling. “I’m Nurse Kell. How are you doing today?”

            Molly just stared, and Nurse Kell’s smile dropped slightly.

            “Anyways,” Nurse Kell continued, “how about I help you get your clothes on and then show you around?”

            “I’m sure I can get into my clothing myself.” Molly said.

            “Alright. I’ll be waiting outside.” Nurse Kell turned around and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

            “And here is the leisure room.” Nurse Kell said as Molly followed her into a large, white room. “You can hang out here until your first session with Dr Warren.” She smiled, and then exited the room.

The Program (Sherlolly || Teen!Lock)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن