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Arata stood in the garden, peering into the clear water of a pond. Inside, fishes with patches of red on their back swirled about, creating small ripples that hit the pebbled boundary and returned to the center in concentric circles. Despite the preparations for festival, it was a quiet evening. He didn't hear much except for the occasional splashing in water and the rustle of leaves. The sounds emanating from the main house too were soft-either the old pillars creaking or the servants going about their work- nothing that called for attention.

His hand slid into the pocket of his trousers. He drew out a packet of cigarettes. Inside, there were quite a few, despite the box being a weeks old purchase. He took out a stick, turning it between his fingers, feeling the powdery nicotine stain his fingertips.

He'd started smoking two months ago. At first, rarely. Then once every now and then when things got stressful at the office. He'd barely finish half the stick before throwing it away, watching the glowing ashes for a moment or two. He liked the smell, not so much the smoke. Arata scouted his pocket for a lighter, found a petite silver one and gave it a snap. A spark later, the cigarette between his lips glowed red at the end.

"This doesn't suit you."

Through the haze of smoke, his eyes made out a figure in red. Then his vision cleared to show Hanami in a silk yukata. Her hands rested behind her back and the expression on her face gave him the feeling that she had been watching him for a while. He did not answer and looked straight ahead.

"That explains the smell on your shirt the other day," she mused, drawing closer. When she stopped next to him, the faint scent of peach blossoms that always clung to her, mixed with nicotine. "Give it up before it becomes troublesome."

"Ever tried it yourself?"he asked.

"No." She moved her head, following the movements of a fish. He heard a quiet tinkle of the gold bells in her hair. She bent down and put her hand in the water, smiling at the fishes splashing away from her. Arata, standing by her side, watched her for a while. Her smile was still young, naive, and lacking the bitterness that comes with experience. Absently, then with intrigue, his gaze trailed to the pale skin of her neck showing through the pocket formed by her collar.There was a tiny beauty spot close to where a curl touched it. He wanted to push that lock of hair aside to see it more clearly, or perhaps to ascertain whether the skin was really as smooth and soft as it looked.

"You're dropping the ashes." She looked up, shifting to the side. Flecks of gray spotted his shoes, some spilling in the water.

Arata took a deep drag and blew out a cloud. She seemed displeased with the act,but some part of him was irritated by the way the woman had managed to distract him,and he kept smoking.

At night, the Miyama family started for the shrine situated at the base of a slope. The temple was decades old and was dedicated to the local deity that was known for compassion towards children, particularly infants. Usually, the temple was a gloomy place and also the destination for several dares that challenged a middle schooler to touch the fox statue standing in the center of the yard and return without being attacked by mischievous ghosts and spirits. That night however, it left eyes dazzled with lights, ears mesmerized with chants, gongs and the toll of the temple bell. Shrine maidens performed a purifying ritual on the temple grounds, waving thin strips of ribbons, girdles of bells chiming with their arches and turns. The flutter of white, red and gold, impressed Arata.

"It's so beautiful,"breathed Hanami, taking hold of the sleeve of his haori jacket. That broke his trance and he glanced at her. Her black inky eyes had grown wide enough to reflect shimmers of lights. They reminded him of a sky full of stars. She turned to him,"No?"

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