A Little Bit Of Me And A Little Bit Of You

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Standing before the sink, staring into the clear glass that hung above it, Arata Miyama looked at the reflection. Traces of last night's events were marked in his unkempt hair, stained unbuttoned shirt and the stinging cut on his foot. The man let out a sigh.

Luckily it was a Sunday and nobody from office had to see him in this state. What would they think of their boss if they saw him now? He shook his pulsing head and reached for the faucet. Water felt icy against his flushed skin as he splashed it on his face over and over until he no longer felt the stench of alcohol and sleep looming over him.

Freshened with a shower, Arata stepped out of the washroom, put on a pair of clean clothes--a black shirt and jeans- and swiped a hand through his damp hair, finally reverting back to his former self. After bandaging the cut on his foot, he straightened his room and went to the kitchen for a glass of lemonade.

The house felt hushed. Sunshine poured in through the open bay windows and dappled the floor with patches of gold. Tiny dust particles danced in the beams as they passed through the chintz curtains. Arata glanced at the strip of clear blue sky visible through the window, wondering whether he should step out for a walk.

The clear chartreuse of lemonade glinted in the light, filling up a tall glass. With the addition of rock salt and few ice cubes, it was ready to soothe his head-splitting hangover. As the man leaned against the counter, sipping down the liquid, his gaze swept across the kitchen, noticing the change in position of the coffee mugs. He always arranged them according to their size, and now they were bunched based on color. She had been to the kitchen, he concluded.

Arata paused and set down the now empty glass. He realized that it was the first time since he'd awaken that he thought of her. Hanami Miyama had completely slipped out of his memory as if she no longer existed. His glance darted to the clock in the kitchen. Half past 10. Yet, she was nowhere in sight. Was she a late bird or someone who was keen on avoiding encounter with him? Arata had a feeling it was the latter.

Looking through the vessels, he chanced upon half cooked rice and a cross between curry, Miso soup and something not of that world. She wasn't the best cook, he noted. Is that why the food looked untouched? Hadn't she eaten some herself?

Arata tried to recall the events of the previous night but his memory failed beyond his exit from the bar. He looked around, searching for clues and found pieces of broken glass in the waste bin. The sight alarmed him. Broken glass? Judging by the delicate painting of cranes on a shard, it was the vase he'd been gifted by a colleague on new year. Did she drop and break it? Or was it him? Too many questions and no answers. Glancing at the vacant chair, where she'd sat, coffee cup in hand, Arata once again regretted going to the bar.

Turning the page of a book in her lap with an absent gaze, Hanami mulled over her decision to go through the arrangement. This was what she hadn't taken into account. Awkwardness? Yes. Disagreement? Yes. But not... that--what she saw in his gaze. She cringed at the memory of his eyes bearing into hers.

Hanami placed the book back onto the table beside the blue spotted coffee cup. The dregs remained sticking to the bottom and she decided it was about time it went to the sink. Hauling herself off the bed, she smoothened her blouse and skirt, and carrying the cup, made her way to the door. Her hand paused at the door knob. With a deep intake of breath and a determined nod of her head, she turned the knob and pulled the door open. At the sight of the man, however, she started back and froze, latching onto the door jamb. Determination evaporated from her eyes and a new expression replaced it--that of dislike.

​​​​​​Hands deep in pocket, gaze riveted upon the woman, searching for answers, Arata stood in the doorway. She watched him, eyes narrowed and stance unyielding. Clearly, he'd done something foolish last night.

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