~ The Bite - Part 1~

Start from the beginning

M'Gann watched the leader stand and reach into his pocket with a hidden grin. Suddenly, the hero brought out a squirt gun and sprayed the nearest hero - that being Beast Boy and fortunately not M'Gann - in the face. Beast Boy exclaimed in surprise and yelped, falling off the roof from which he had positioned himself upside down as a bat.

"Three hits and you're out!" Nightwing yelled to the rest of them as though he were back to being Boy Wonder again, smiling and leaping behind a seat that was unoccupied and hidden to sight, then he added rather loudly, "Find your gun! They're hidden around the plane! Only one per teammate!"

With that, Richard Grayson gave off his signature cackle (slightly deeper now that he was older, but still creepy childish as all get out to the rest of the members on the plane).

He heard his team scrambling about on the ship and laughing at each other nervously, still anxious for the mission ahead, but relieving the anxiety a bit by bumping into each other with every movement they made in the jet plane.

"I'm giving you all..." Nightwing glanced down at his watch that was disguised on his suit, "...30 seconds!"

He heard some of them mumble curse words as they fumbled around the cushions while others cried with joy as they must have found their assigned weapon of defense, jumping for cover in their own destinations.

"15!" Nightwing exclaimed from behind his seat, chuckling when he heard M'Gann cheer with glee, having found her weapon and go invisible.

"Don't use your power. This is strictly fair for everyone!" He added after a moment of thought, smirking when he caught a glimpse of Bumblebee grumbling to herself and resizing.

"Aw, man!" and "Pff, come on!" came the responses from Beast Boy and Impulse. Nightwing shook his head in amusement at the two and took a glance over the cushions of the couch to look at the scene. Almost everyone had their weapon. Everyone except Connor, who was calmly staring out the window that he had been blocking just minutes ago.

"Superboy, that's an order!" He proclaimed, earning a glare from the clone and for a moment the younger man felt the need to duck to avoid any heat lasers coming at him. Fortunately, Connor sighed and simply waited for the command to start, staring at Nightwing for info where his gun was.

With a snort, Richard glanced up at the compartment above his seat, and Superboy looked up, unlocked and reached inside, and came out with a super powered turbo water gun. His eyes slowly raised to meet Nightwing, and the bird impersonating superhero could nearly swear he saw the idea before it happened.

The thirty seconds were up.

Connor's gun rose and water began flying through the air nearly spraying the stealthy bird, but Nightwing bolted out of his spot in hiding, yelling a swift 'GO' to start everyone else in the game.

M'Gann let out a war cry and the rest yelped and let out their own cries of defense, hiding or shooting, or both.

With guns raised, water shot out everywhere and sprayed the walls, the windows, the floor, the cushions and the roof, and not an area was left un-drenched.

It was an hour before it was just Superboy, Beast Boy, and Nightwing left in the play. Beast has been sprayed twice, Superboy once, and Nightwing was still free of being sprayed, but he had rolled into every puddle they formed on the cushions and floor to avoid being shot, so he too was pretty soaked.

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