"You're gonna have to be a little more specific than that."

She slowly picks up her head, narrowing her eyes at me.

"I don't need that sass today, young lady," she scolds. "I'm in crisis."

I reach out to scoop Binx up into my arms, and raise my eyebrows to urge her to continue.

"You remember that guy I met at that party our first week here?"


"Oscar," she corrects, rolling her eyes at me.

"Hey, don't get salty with me! That was a month ago."

"Well, I hadn't heard from him since the party so I figured he was scared off by-"

"Your crazy drunken dancing?" I interject, earning me a grin.

"I was going to say my energetic personality, but that works too," she chuckles. "But a few days ago, we ran into each other- apparently we have the same Lit class. We ended up going to get coffee together, and it turns out we have a lot in common."

"Well that doesn't sound like a crisis," I chuckle.

"I'm getting to that part!" she says in exasperation. "Anyways, we've been texting and he asked me out to dinner Friday night."

"Um, Ivy?"


"You do know that it's Friday, right?"

"Yes! That's the problem," she states. "I thought it was Thursday! I didn't realize until ten minutes ago that it's Friday and he's supposed to pick me up in 45 minutes!"

"Then what are you doing in here?" I ask. "Shouldn't you be getting ready?"

"I came in here because I need your advice," she explains. "I'm stuck between my yellow sundress and my strapless black jumpsuit."

"Jumpsuit," I reply. "Jumpsuit all the way. Are you kidding? You know you look hot in that thing."

"Well yeah," she agrees, jokingly fluffing her hair. "But is it too much? He probably already thinks I'm a party girl and the sundress is more demure."

"Demure?" I say teasingly.

"Expand your vocabulary, Grace," she flatlines.

"Hey, I'm not the English major here," I chuckle. I pause before thoughtfully adding, "Honestly Ivy, just wear whatever you feel comfortable in. You'll look great regardless."

"Thanks Grace."

"No problem," I reply. "But, you better get dressed quick or you're gonna be late."

"Oh shit!" she curses after getting a look at the time.

She jumps up and runs out of the room without another word, and I chuckle at her antics. Oscar has no idea what he's in for with that one.


Half an hour later, Ivy's back in my room so I can keep her company while she does her makeup and stresses about her date. Having opted for the jumpsuit, she's currently working on a classic smoky eye look with red lipstick.

"I probably shouldn't even be doing this," she admits, blotting at her eye makeup.

"Doing what?"

"This," she says, gesturing to herself. "Focusing my energy on going out on a date. I should be studying- there are just a few weeks till midterms and now is not the time to be starting a new romantic endeavor."

"Okay, first of all, lower your vocabulary level for us lowly STEM majors," I laugh. "And second, going out on one date isn't going to automatically ruin your GPA. You go to all your classes and you've been studying almost every day this week- you deserve to have a night out."

"Well you're staying in and studying," she points out.

"Yes, because Tyler is on his way over for the weekend and I know I won't get anything done while he's here."

"Except him."

"Ivy!" I hiss. "Don't be gross."

"Well am I wrong?" she teases.

I narrow my eyes at her, attempting to look stern.

"No comment," I deadpan, failing to hide my grin. "Anyways, we were talking about your love life, not mine."

Before either of us can say anything else, her text tone sounds and she quickly picks up her phone.

"He's here," she gasps, quickly standing to her feet. "Quick, how do I look?"

I glance her over before meeting her gaze and offering a comforting smile.

"You look great, Ivy," I assure. "His eyes are gonna pop out of his head."

"Thanks, Grace," she says sincerely. "And tell Tyler I said hi!"




I'm even more sorry that you had to wait so long for just a short little filler chapter.

I swear the next two are gonna be better. A little more intense, but better.

Hope everyone's having a great summer so far!

And if you're not out yet, good luck on exams!!!

Random Quote: I am not your 5 minute cigarette break. You cannot light me up whenever you're in the mood and put me out when you're tired of me.

I'm going to try to have the next chapter out by Saturday night! So look out for it!

Thank you to the few of you who are still here! You're all so so patient!

Goodnight My Lovelies!

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