Chapter 22

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Roselyn's POV

Light slowly invades my senses, pulling me back from the black hole I'd been floating in.

"Where am I?" I wonder. A large room which golden walls comes into focus.

"Mommy!" I hear a high voice exclaim.

I look down at the edge of my bed to see a three-year-old girl with soft brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Hi, Baby," I whisper, my voice hoarse. I stroke her check. "Come here." She slowly climbs onto the bed, snuggling into my side. I hiss. "Don't press on Mommy's stomach, Baby."

Tears fill the little girl's eyes. "Did I huwt you, Mommy?"

I place a kiss on the girl's forehead. "No, my Lilly. Not you." Calla is a type of flower, a Calla Lilly so I call Calla, my little flower or Lilly.

I sigh and look up to see Aiden's confused eyes. I give him a small smile. "Aiden, meet my daughter, Calla."

"She's yours..." He realizes sadly.

"Yeah," I say, smoothing Calla's soft brown hair behind her ears. "She is, well, half mine."

"Who is the father?" Aiden asks, hope shining through his eyes. Hope that the little girl snuggled into my side was created from his genes.

I chuckle. "I didn't mean it that way."

He looks to me with a confused look.

"Lilly, you want to tell Aiden your special secret?" I ask her.

"Who is Awen?" Calla questions, her big eyes curious.

"That man," I tell her.

"You gonna go tell him?" I ask her softly.

"Can I?" She asks excitedly.

I kiss her nose. "Of course you can."

"Okay!" She climbs over my legs, so she's by Aiden. Calla holds her hands up, showing she wanted Aiden to pick her up.

Aiden looks to me for permission.

I smile and nod.

He carefully picks Calla up, setting her on his hip.

"You want to know a secwet?" She whispers.

Aiden grins and nods.

Calla leans towards his ear and whispers, "I'm adopted."

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