Chapter 3

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He held up my sky... only to let it fall on me later.

The plane ride to Portland was fairly calm. Half of the time I was in a deep sleep and the other half of the time I kept thinking what it would be like to be back. Back to the place of wonderful dreams, and horrid nightmares. Back home.

It felt like it took forever to land the plane. It's wheels just hovering above the ground, until it finally drops, and takes us with it. I was so shaken up, I almost fell on the way out of the plane.

"Woah, are you alright?" Amy asked.

I steady myself, "Yeah, I think so. God, I haven't been on a plane in almost seven years."

"Seven years!" Amy exclaimed.

"Yep," I walked towards baggage claim.

"So all your family lives in San Francisco?" She asked.

"Uh, no. I've lived in Portland with my grandmother most of my life, but, um, she passed away and I moved to Cali. Needed a fresh start," I told her in as little words as possible.

Amy nodded, "Seven years ago."

I smiled sadly, "It really doesn't feel like seven years."

"What does it feel like?" She asked.

"Longer." We fell into an awkward silence.

"So, do you have a place to stay? If you don't my house has a spare bedroom," Amy asked.

"Um, that would-"

Amy squealed, "Jack!"

"Jack? Who's Jack?" I asked, but obviously she didn't hear me because she ran straight past me and into the arms of a man- who looked about my age- with shaggy brown hair and a strong muscular build, but I couldn't see his face.

Amy pulled away from the guy and turned to introduce me to him, but I already knew him. I blinked back tears. So, this is the husband. "Jackson O' Connor."

"Rose?" He said, like he couldn't believe it was me.

"It's been a long time," I said.

"Rose?" Jackson repeated.

"Yeah," I said again.

"And you're real?" He asked.

Real? "I'm as real as the sky," I said sarcastically.

"The sky's not real," Jackson said sadly.

"I should've realized that sooner," I whispered. I turned to Amy, who was still confused about Jackson and my secret discussion. "Thanks for the invite, but I already called a friend, she said I could crash with her. I gotta go, but you have my card right. Just text me where you want to meet about the details."

"Yeah okay," Amy answered.

"Great, see ya," I turned my back and walked out the gate as tears prickled in my eyes. You will not cry. Not over a boy who dumped you for someone else nine years ago. You cried all you needed to before this, hold it in. Don't you dare cry, you're stronger than this, I told myself. Now to call Becca.

 Now to call Becca

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