Chapter 12

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"You're half wolf?" Mom asked again, trying to make sense of all of it.

"Yes," I say slowly.

"How is that even possible?" She asked.

"I don't know," I replied. "I really don't know. Look I'm sorry I didn't tell you, and I totally get if you I'm an abomination and hate me-"

"No!" Mom quickly said. "I don't care if you were part ostrich, or had a pig's tail. I love you, forever."

"Same here," Stephen said. They pulled me into a hug. I sighed, I didn't think they'd take it this well.

"There is one thing I'd like to see," Mom said, pulling away.

I grinned. "I hoped you'd say that." I stood and moved away from the couch.

"Do we need to go outside?" Drake asked.

"Nah, I was house trained years ago." I winked at him, making him chuckle. "You might want to look away though, this part isn't pretty." They closed their eyes, and I quickly shifted. This time, it didn't hurt quite as much.

I whimpered, letting them know that they could open their eyes. One by one their eyes.

Drake's mom gasped, finally seeing the white wolf that now took my place.

"Roselyn?" She asked softly.

"Yeah, Mom," Drake said. "That's her."

I placed my head gently on her lap. She smiled and stroked my fur.

"You have to let me brush your fur sometime," she whispered. She chuckled when she saw my tail wagging.

"I bet all the male wolves drool over you," Stephen said.

I quickly shook my head.

He laughed. "Liar. I bet they all want you as their mate."

I fell silent. I looked to Drake, and whimpered. He nodded sadly, understanding what I wanted him to do.

"Uh, Mom," he started. Mom looked over at him and fell silent, seeing his face. "Earlier, Rose and I went to see the Banes. They're a pack that lives half an hour from here. Their Alpha... he asked for Rose's hand. And well... since, you know Jackson's with Amy. Um... what I'm trying to say, is-"

"She accepted," Mom breathed.

"Yeah," Drake nodded. "She's leaving in two days, but she can still see us anytime she wants, it's just that she'll be with them now."

Mom fell silent.

"Mom?" Drake asked.

She sighed and shook her head. "What am I even sad about?" Mom knelt in front of me. "If you found a boy- or wolf, that you love. You go and be with him! But promise me one thing?"

My ears perked up.

"I wanna meet my son-in-law. You have to let me meet him!"

"Who do you have to meet?" A deep voice said from the doorway. Every head turned.

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