Chapter 19

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"Roselyn!" A deep voice rang out.

My head shot towards the sound.

I know that voice, I realized, but i didn't know who it belonged to.

I slowly walked towards the middle of the aisle, so I could match the voice to a face.

I gazed at the beautiful stranger.

A man slowly walked down the aisle but stopped before he reached me . He had black hair and big brown eyes. His arms were muscular and decorated with tattoos.

He stared at me cautiously.

I felt as though I knew him-

My jaw dropped. "Aiden?"

He smiled, hearing his name. "Hi, Rosey."

I grinned at jumped into his arms. "Oh my god! How are you here? How...?"

Aiden chuckled. "We'll talk after the wedding, my darling."

A blush crept up my neck as Aiden kissed my cheek and pulled me back to my position with the girls. Aiden wraps his arms around my waist, pinning my back to his chest, making me turn 10 shades redder.

The girls chuckled. I shush them, making them laugh even harder.

"Rosey's got a boyfriend," Becca sand.

Soon, we were dropping like flies, clutching our stomachs as our eyes begin to water.

A growl erupts from above me. Immediately, our laughter stops.

"Aiden..." I say slowly. "Did you just growl at me?"

"Rose..." Aiden looks down at me with frightened eyes. "That wasn't me."

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