Chapter 11

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"You mean you right?" Drake said, taking a step back.

"No, I mean us. You and me." I got down on all fours ready to shift. I quickly looked up at Drake. "You should look away, this part isn't that pretty." Drake looked away.

I breathed in an out, and for the first time in years, I began to shift. It hurt like hell as my bones began to break and shrink.

Drake quickly turned towards me as my screams filled the air, but by the time his eyes landed on me, I was a wolf.

I was lying down on the forest floor, panting. Yes, shifting does take some energy.

"Rose?" Drake asked cautiously. I slowly lifted my head off the ground, looking at Drake.

I tested out my paws, wiggling my toes. After a few minutes, I slowly brought myself to stand up, walking circles around Drake until I could feel every fiber of my wolf.

I jumped up and down, nudging Drake. Drake laughed. It made my heart beat faster, he hasn't been this excited or happy since I got back.

Suddenly, I heard a whimper behind me. I turned around to see a large black wolf in front of me.

The wolf whimpered. Roselyn? He asked.

Hi, Aiden, I howled back. He walked towards me. I tilted my head, exposing my neck, a sign of loyalty.

You know you don't have to do that with me, he said, bowing his head. He looked up at me, waiting for my head to meet his.

Aiden fell in love with me the first time he saw me, but I couldn't become his mate since I was with Jackson. But what do I do now? I've always loved Aiden, but since I'm not with Jackson, do I give Aiden my acceptance?

I looked at the love-struck wolf in front of me. I love him, I always have, and I always will.

I'm not all wolf, I say sadly. I never can be. You should find a girl that can be an Alpha for your pack, or even a proper mate for you. You deserve better than me, a wolf half of the time, and human the other half. I bowed my head. I felt so broken.

Aiden slowly put his head to mine. I choose you. Human, and wolf. I choose you, Roselyn. All of you.

What about them? I asked him, looking towards Drake, who stood there confused. His eyes widened when he figure out was happening.

I looked at Drake sadly. He smiled and nodded.

"If you love him," Drake said sadly. "Then, I support you."

I whimpered.

Aiden licked my muzzle, turning my attention back to him.

Our pack stays here, he tells me. You can go back and visit anytime you want. I want you to be happy.

I smiled. Well than. I, Roselyn Nightshade, accept you, Aiden Bane, as my mate.

Aiden's tail wagged. I, Aiden Bane, accept you, Roselyn Nightshade, as my mate.

I licked his muzzle. I need some time though. Before I move in with the pack. Some business I have to finish in the human world.

What's wrong?

Oh nothing. There's a wedding I have to attend. On the 23rd, at the gazebo on Logan Street. Nothing big.

That's tomorrow.

Really? Oh yeah. But that means I'm yours in two days.

Yeah. You better be ready.

For what? I tilted at my head.

It's a surprise.

Fine. I've got to go, I told him. Have to take Drake home.

Is he your cub? Aiden suddenly asked.

No! He's... well, he's like my little brother.

Oh, Aiden replies sheepishly. I bite his ear, making him look up at me.

I'll see you in a few days.

In a few days, mate, he says before I shift back. I sigh and look at Drake.

"Lets get you back home, I've got to tell your mom some things."

He chuckled and put an arm around my shoulders. "That you do," he replied.

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