"Thanks Roland." As I was about to grab the pistol from Roland, Brandon stopped me.

"Wait, we ain't just gonna give you this for free. What's in it for us?"

"Nah man, it's fine, he don't need to do anything."

"No Roland, shut up." He turned to me. "You're gonna help us out before we give you anything. Is that clear?"

Roland aimed the pistol at Brandon. "Enough! Without Danny, Kyle's gang probably would've killed us already. We owe him our lives." He looked back at me. "Don't mind Brandon." He handed the gun to me again. "Here."

This time, I was able to take it. I unloaded the clip to make sure there was ammo. There were fifteen rounds, and the clip looked full. I observed the pistol for a bit. I knew it was a glock, but I wasn't sure which one. If I had to guess, I'd say a glock 19. Of course, I didn't come prepared with a holster, so I just put it in the side of my pants. A little uncomfortable, but it got the job done.

"Alright brotha, follow us."

I let the gang go before me. As Brandon passed me, he lightly shoved me, probably unhappy of Roland's decision. I followed them outside and got into my car. They led me with their truck.

After a couple of minutes of driving, they stopped somewhere. I parked behind them. Roland got out of the truck and approached the drivers window of my car.

"This is the place," he said.

"Alright. Thank you guys, I appreciate it. You can go ahead and head home, I'll be back."

"What? We're going with you."

"It's alright bud, I got this."

"You sure?"

"Yeah! It won't be difficult, especially with that pistol you gave me. I'll be sure to bring it back."

"Nah man, it's cool you can keep it. Let me give you my number." I handed him my phone and he dialed his number. "Call us if you need help."

I saved the contact on my phone as "Roland."

"Thanks Roland, I appreciate it." I got out of the car. "I'm gonna go ahead and go in. I'll let you know if I need anything."

He gave me a fist bump before going back to Brandon's truck. After they drove off, I started scanning the area. It looked like an abandoned two story building, so there could possibly be a lot of people in there. Having Roland's gang help me would've been a smart decision, but I didn't want to put them in danger. Especially Roland. If he died, nothing would stop Brandon from coming after me or my family.

I started heading towards one of the doors. I had no idea what to expect, but I know I had one thing in mind.

I was gonna get Kyle. Knife for his goons, bullet for him.

The door I opened was unlocked, which I expected. This place wasn't their home, it was just a hangout. There were maybe about seven people inside from what I could see. Six males and a female. They all turned to me as I opened the door.

"What do you want," one of the guys asked.

"I'm looking for Kyle. Where is he?"

One of the guys pointed to me. "He's the one who beat Kyle! Get him!"

I drew my pistol. "Stop. I don't want anything with any of you. I just want Kyle."

Most of the guys stayed back and the girl hugged the guy she was with. One of them refused to heed my warning.

"Get the fuck out of here! It's six against one! You ain't gonna do shit!" He took a knife from his pocket.

I gave him a warning shot by his feet. "Are you sure about that? I'll shoot whoever I please. I ain't afraid."

"Alright man, chill. He's upstairs. They're right over there." He pointed behind me.

I looked behind me and saw the stairs. I looked back at the members and retreated my pistol.

"See? That wasn't so hard, was it? Thanks for the info."

I drew my knife and held it in a reverse grip, ready for anyone else who stood in my way. As I started to head for the stairs, I heard footsteps quickly approaching. I turned around and saw the same guy running after me with a knife. He made a long and sloppy slash, which was easy to counter. I grabbed his knife arm and stabbed my knife through it, causing him to bleed and drop his own. I then pushed him away, causing him to fall to the ground.

I looked at him and his knife. "You should really think twice before coming at an armed man with a pocket knife." I picked up his knife and put it in my pocket. "I think I'll be keeping this now"

He attempted to spit on my shoes. "Fuck you."

I kicked his head. "Shut up! You try anything else, I'm gonna put a bullet through your head."

I cleaned the blade of my knife with a clean part of his shirt. He was too busy grabbing his wound to do anything. I headed upstairs with my knife in a reverse grip once again.

When I got upstairs, I saw Kyle on the other side of the room with a dagger in his hand.


"Stay away from me!" He opened a nearby door and ran through it. "Connor, get him!"

Another guy came through the door with brass knuckles on both hands. I felt like I recognized him.

"You," Connor shouted. "I remember you!"

"Kiara's boyfriend?"

"Don't call me that. I'm her ex. The names Connor."

Shit, last time I had to deal with Connor was behind Kiara's house. He made me lose my breath with a single punch, and that was before the brass knuckles. I'd have to use my pistol.

"Damn Connor, I didn't think we'd ever meet again. I don't want any trouble, I just want Kyle."

He laughed. "You give me trouble? I could take you out without a weapon, so give up and turn around."

"I ain't leaving without Kyle."

"Alright then." He got into a fighting stance. "Let's do this."

I dropped my knife and quickly drew my pistol. Connor stopped in his tracks before I pulled the trigger. The bullet hit his leg, causing him to fall down.

"Agh, Fuck!"

I approached him on the floor and kicked his stomach.

"I'll shoot you again, Connor. Give me the knuckles."

He slowly took the knuckles off and threw them at my legs. "Leave me alone."

I picked them up and put them in my pocket. "I'll be back, I'm gonna go get Kyle."

Connor coughed. "He's a bitch, anyway.
He ain't worth protecting."

I walked around him and went through the door. It was a small room with a table and some chairs, as well as some stairs, which I assumed led to the roof since we were on the second floor.

I went up the stairs. Sure enough, I was on the roof. Kyle saw me and ran to one of the edges.

"If you try anything, I'll jump!"

I laughed. "Do a flip while you're at it."

He moved away from the edge of the building and got on his knees. "Please don't shoot. I beg of you."

I approached him and pointed the gun at his head.

Should I kill him?
Should I spare him?

(Make Your Choice)

A/N: These choices will be made by me.

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