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I cant believe this is so late and only 3 pages. I feel awful! I am so sorry! You may take away my cookies!!!

Chapter 3


                The bowling alley isn’t crowded which is fine with me. Shay waves us over to the last lane in the row. “Okay, Maxine will be here in a few minutes. So go rent your shoes and grab a ball.”

                She says this mainly to Tim because I have my own bowling ball and shoes. The ones they have here are disgusting. I don’t see why anyone would want to share with hundreds of other people. It doesn’t matter how much disinfectant you spray in there, germs live on.

                Tim goes to rent shoes. Ew.

                Shay and Lewis already have some on. Strangely both pairs are pink. “How did you manage to get pink bowling shoes?” Most all rentals I’ve seen are yellow or red or brown. Or a combination of the three.

                “There was a breast cancer awareness bowling tournament last week. They bought pink shoes,” Lewis tells me, smiling like a deranged monkey. Ugh, be nice Rady.

                “Cool.” I make myself sound interested. I hope that worked.

                Tim comes back and I am overly grateful. If there’s going to be any civil conversation, I’m pretty sure he’ll have to start it. He takes the seat at that electronic scoreboard thing and types in everyone’s name, sending me looks every few seconds to lighten my mood. It works.

                After a few minutes the lights in the bowling alley switch to black light to make everything glow. Someone glides through the doors just as that happens. It’s a girl wearing all white. Fedora, blouse, skirt, socks and shoes – all white and all glowing brightly. Her dark skin and hair make her pop even more. Every person in the room, even Lewis, turns to gaze at this girl. Then Shay starts waving her over and I realize this must be Maxine.

                The girl skips over to us, but she makes it look graceful and not childish…

                “Hey Cousin! Everyone else.” She nods at each at us.

                “I’m so glad you’re here Maxine! The amount of testosterone I have been hanging around has been overwhelming!”

                “Not a problem. So how fun do we want to make this game?” She asks taking a seat next to me and pulling out white bowling shoes and a white bowling ball from a white bag. I wonder if everything she has is just white or if this is just a today thing.

                “What do you mean?” Lewis asks when no one else asks her to explain.

                “I mean are we going all baby on this… or are we going to be freaking awesome and put some money down?”

                She looks at each of us again, stopping on me. “What about you? Twenty bucks down?”

                I’m a pretty good bowler and I’m not worried about twenty bucks either way so I agree. Maxine looks at me a little bit longer then goes back to the rest of the group who all agree to put down twenty bucks for the game.

The Dangerous Game of Spin the BottleWhere stories live. Discover now