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I am so sorry this took so long. And that it's short. And it cuts off early. And it's short.

Chapter 2


                I never thought it would feel so great to be back. I missed Rady like I didn’t think possible. We talked everyday but it’s never the same. I even missed Shay. She called about once a week to talk about Paris. She even sent me $500 and a shopping list and her dress measurements. I got the clothes she wanted on discount because of my mom though. And I got to avoid awkward looks at stores. Fun for all.

                I’m back now though, incredibly excited to be starting my new life with Rady. Classes don’t start for a few days so we have time to just settle in and hang out. Tonight Rady and I are going to dinner with Shay, her cousin (who apparently also attends the University of Arizona), and Lewis.

                I could tell that Rady didn’t like Lewis when they first met. Hell, I didn’t like Lewis when we first met. His mom worked with my mom and he came to work with her a lot. I went with my mom for the first time out of complete and utter boredom. There was so much to do, just not much I wanted to do by myself, so she talked me into it.

                Anyway, he was there and very excited to have another guy at the studio. And I don’t know if he pegged me as gay when I walked through the door or he just thought it was fun to mess with straight guys, but he was flirting with me like non-stop for a good three hours. I tried avoiding him and asking him nicely to just back off, but it didn’t work. I decided not to go back. Being bored was better than being stalked.

                About two weeks later my mom asked me to come back. She sad one of her male models was sick and I was about the same size (she only needed me for measurements! I didn’t do the catwalk or anything, calm down.) Because she’s my mom I caved and went in. Lewis was there again.

                That time though, he was very apologetic. He said he was sorry for being brash and wanted to know if we could start over. I said yes because I was still new to the place and didn’t want to be cooped up in my mom’s apartment for the rest of my time with her. That would have been a horrible waste of a great opportunity,

                After that we became really good friends. I told him about my life back in Arizona, all about Rady and me, and I realized I had a pretty dull life. Not a bad one, just rather dull. Especially compared to his. He travelled a lot with his mom. Pretty much the only place he hadn’t been was the U.S. That’s why he’s doing a few years of college at University of Arizona before finishing off his education somewhere in Europe. He hasn’t decided what he wants to be yet though.

                So, now that Lewis is such a good friend to me I want to make sure Rady likes him. Rady would never ask me to stop hanging out with someone, not after the giant fight we had about Greg (ugh, Greg), but I know I’d do it anyway, previous example provided. I don’t want to though. As annoying as Lewis can be sometimes, he’s a good guy and he helped me out a lot. I met a bunch of great people in Paris that I never would have talked to if he hadn’t introduced me.

                There’s a knock on the door. I get up and before I even get the door all the way open Shay jumps in and grabs me around the neck.

                “Tim! I missed you!”

                I want to laugh but she’s latched onto my neck so tightly it all I can do to keep breathing. It takes some coaxing but I’m able to detach her.

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