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So, I know I'm evil and this is crazy belated and WAY shorter than I planned it to be, but here we are! Comment, vote, ect.

For people just coming across this book IT IS A SEQUEL. If you want to read a (possibly over rated :P) BoyxBoy story ((That is rated R for dirty BoyxBoy scenes {be forewarned})) please read The Dangerous Game of Truth or Dare first! Thank You -- Wanda Stryder

The Dangerous Game of Spin the Bottle

Chapter One

Rady’s POV

                I’m standing at baggage claim of the Tucson International Airport and I’m happier than I have been in a long time. Tim, my fiancé, is finally coming back for good. After a year of living in Paris with his mom, only coming back for sporadic, two week visits, I finally get him back for good. In a month we’ll have the wedding. Nothing big, just get it done at the court house. His mom, my dad, and Shay will be there, the only people who want to be there.

                The conveyer belt starts to move which means Tim should be here any minute. I’m so excited to see him I can barely breathe. Do you know what it’s like to be away from someone you love for months at a time, it feels like your hearts being squeezed of every good emotion and being filled with sadness, loneliness. It’s a horrible feeling.

                But now it’s gone, I know he’ll be here any second and I can just hug him, kiss him, hold him. I start bouncing from foot to foot, looking over the sea of people who are coming towards this belt.

                Finally I see that him! He stands taller than most of the people in the airport (not taller than me though) so his brown hair and blue eyes stick out. Or maybe that’s just because I could find him in a crowd of millions even if I were blind.

                He sees me too and quickens his pace. I all but bulldoze through the fighting current of people to get to him, not paying any attention to the people around us as I pull him in for a kiss. He’s shocked at first but it only takes him a second to drop his carry on and kiss me back. Two months since his last visit and I’m deprived. I kiss him long and deep, holding myself back from pushing him against the wall and doing some not so publicly acceptable things. Sadly someone else stops all that for me…

                “This is really sweet, but it may not be the best place for PDA.” I grudgingly pull away from Tim to look at a young man standing not too far away from us, just staring.

                “Do you want something?” I ask angrily.

                “Oh right, Rady. This is Lewis Lefevre. I’ve told you about him, remember?”

                Ah, this is Tim’s friend from Paris. Apparently this guy is going to college with us for a year. I already dislike this guy. He kind of ruined my moment with Tim, and I have no idea why he came here? Aren’t there colleges in Paris? Probably ones a lot better than the University of Arizona. Not that I’d mention that to Tim, I know he could have gone somewhere better but he came here to be with me. What’s Lewis’s excuse?

                But I give him a good natured “Sorry” and “Hello” before their bags arrive. Tim only has one bag; his mom is sending him everything he needs later, but Lewis has five! Five big, heavy bags that Tim and I have to help him carry.

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