Prologue - "The Ghost Girl"

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"The Ghost Girl"
Sang Sorenson

Sunnyvale Court.

Sounds like a nice place. A place where the houses are filled with happiness and love. Maybe it is. I'll never know because the one vacant house on the street was about to be filled with malice and suffering.

My father made sure that we got there after the movers were done putting our belongings and furniture into our new home. He didn't want anyone to see me and question who I was. That's how it's always been. For my entire life, I never left the house and hid from the world outside its walls. Father said it was because no one knew I existed. I was a ghost that haunted him and his family.

It took me a while to realize that my mother, Dianne, was actually my stepmother and that Marie was my half sister. When I was a child, they were nicer to me and more caring. But when I was eight years old, everything took a turn for the worse. Punishments, beatings, abuse, whatever you wanted to call it--that's all that I knew. They made it perfectly clear that they resented me and that I wasn't a part of the family.

To be truthful, I was glad that I wasn't related to them. Who would want to have the blood of their cruelty and hatred running through their veins? But that doesn't mean it still didn't hurt. If I wasn't theirs, then whose was I?

Father told me my real mother was dead. That I had killed her when I was born. I don't know if that's true or not, but I have nothing else to convince me otherwise.

"Sang," my father's voice interrupted my thoughts. "Put up your hood." I did as he said. "Good, now I want you to get inside, go upstairs, and stay inside your bedroom to the left until I call you down. Do you understand me?"

I nodded silently. I waited two seconds to gather my courage before opening the car door. I hurried across the yard and climbed the porch steps. I kept my back to the street, hoping no one saw me. I know that would just lead to another punishment from my stepmother. I closed the front door behind me and stomped up the staircase before locking myself in my designated bedroom. I sighed in relief, before turning to look at where I was going to be living for the rest of my miserable life.

It was small, just enough room for the bed, which was pushed up lengthwise against the wall, the small bookshelf with old, torn novels and textbooks was across from the bed, a closet that had two boxes that held my unpacked clothes in front of it, and my desk stood right beside the door. The only thing that made me smile was the walls-- they were a faded pale pink with off-white flowers. In the corner of the room, I spotted a little portion of the wall that turned beside the bookcase. There was a small door that was big enough for a grown man to crawl through. I went over and opened it, revealing the leftover space of an attic. It was dark inside, but I could make out the short hallway into a large section which widened out. There was a column going down from the ceiling to the left of the crawl space. I knew that this was going to be my new hiding place, both from my stepmother and from anyone they had visiting the house.

I closed the door and went back to surveying my new bedroom. I spied a window on the far side, next to my bed. My last room didn't have any windows, Father said that it would only be too easy for someone to look in and find me. Then again, that was when we lived in a one-story house. Maybe he felt that since it was upstairs, no one would be able to see me, or he might not have had a choice.

I came closer, just enough that I could see the house across from mine. A boy stood outside on his lawn. He had black-rimmed glasses and light brown hair. It was hard to tell from this distance, but I believe he had green eyes, almost like my own. The boy had furrowed eyebrows as he watched my family exit the car and make their way into the house. It was then, that his eyes shifted upwards and he began searching for something.

I gasped and stumbled backwards quickly when his gaze lifted towards my window. I wasn't sure if he had seen me, but I prayed to God he didn't. Because if he knocked on our door and asked for me, I was sure that Dianne would thrash me to death.

Hearing my parents and sister all come inside, I decided to take a peek to see if the boy was still there. He was, but he wasn't looking at my house anymore. He was walking down the sidewalk, away from me. The boy probably thought he imagined seeing the flicker of movement of my body in the window.

He probably thought he imagined seeing the ghost girl.

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