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"Aria Beauchamp. 19 years old. Major RTC."

Connie looked up as her daughter was brought in. "What happened?" She asked.

"She was in a car accident Connie. Her car went over a bridge. It's not looking good," Iain said.

Connie refused to believe she could lose Aria. She wasn't allowing it to happen. She wasn't going to lose her daughter.

"Resus. Now."

Chloe stood outside Resus with Sam. The two of them watched as Aria fought for her life. Chloe was crying. "You made her feel like absolute crap because! She drove off cause of you," she said.

Sam frowned. "I didn't cause this so don't you dare blame me," he told her.

Connie, who had came out of Resus sighed. "I'm the cause of this. I told her I wish she never came back from University," she said.

Chloe was shocked. She looked at her mum. "She is your daughter! How could you say that?" She spat.

"I regret it. Thankfully, she's stable. When she wakes, I will be making it up to her," Connie said as she looked at her injured daughter.

Chloe glared. "Make sure you do. Aria doesn't deserve you to treat her differently," she said.

Two days later;

Chloe hadn't left Aria's bedside. She didn't want Aria to be alone when she woke up. The door opened and Sam walked in. "Anything?"

"No. She's just lying there. It's like she's dead," Chloe mumbled.

"Well she isn't. Remember that." Sam said as he sat opposite Chloe.

Connie walked in and sighed. Chloe didn't speak with her at all. "I'm sorry."

"Yeah. You should be," Chloe mumbled. She wiped away her tears. "Aria is my sister and I don't want her to die. She is a part of this family as much as anyone."

Chloe saw Aria's hand move. She called in the doctor assigned to looking after Aria. "She's waking up."

Chloe grinned as Aria came round. "Welcome back sleepyhead," she said.

Aria blinked and turned on her side so her back was to Chloe. Chloe felt hurt but she knew Aria needed time. Aria probably thought Chloe didn't want her around either.

Aria looked up as Sam walked in. "I want to apologise for how I've behaved. You didn't deserve it,", he said. He sat down and took her hand. "I'm truly sorry."

"It's okay. Leave it," Aria mumbled as she took a sip of water. She was in agony as she had broken her ribs.

Sam sighed. "When you're out, I think we should have a night out together. So I can make it up to you," he said.

Aria blinked a couple of times. She just nodded. "Fine. You're paying, she mumbled.

Sam smirked. "I think I can agree to that," he told her.

Chloe walked in and smiled. "I've bought you some girly things. Chocolate, magazines the lot."

"I'm not Girly. You know that," she said.

Chloe smiled slightly. She knew how much Aria needed love. But who would give it to her?

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