Chapter 3- Adam's Restlessness

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Adam's pov

I sat in my car as I registered what just happened few minutes ago.

I sent Dave to get to the nearest florist. Most shops were closed and that just annoyed me to the extreme. I called Dylan.

"Dylan, tell me a florist shop that would be open at this time."

"At this time? I think the one near the diner would be open, its 20 minutes away, I'll send you the location."

Dylan soon sent me the location and I told Dave to drive there. As soon as we reached, I was glad that it was open. I told Dave to get me a bunch of red roses and only red roses, no exception.

When Dave came out empty handed, I was furious. "The last bunch was sold sir," stuttered Dave.

I walked into the shop, directly to the shop assistant. As I demanded the red roses, he quickly snatched them from a girl and handed them over to me.

I looked at that girl, she looked more like a teenage girl, and I was spellbound. She was the most beautiful girl I had laid my eyes on. I have never felt this way towards a girl. She had her hair in a braid and those innocent blue eyes. Those plump lips and she was wearing dungarees. Adorable!

Wait, adorable? I can't believe I am thinking this way.

But when I saw sadness in her eyes and tears welling up, my heart screamed "No, no, no."

I commanded the florist to give the roses back to the girl and hand me over the lilies. The next thing that happened left me shocked. She. Hugged. Me. I was left speechless. She probably did it out of excitement but I felt sparks inside me which was unusual.

I came out of my thoughts when Dave told me we had arrived to the hospital. I didn't care that I got lilies instead of red roses. That girl's smile and hug had made my day. I made my way to my grandma's room.

"Hello grandma, how are you feeling?"

"Oh Adam! I can't believe it's you. I almost felt that you wouldn't visit me. You are such a busy boy."

"Alan called and said that you missed me. Here I got you lilies."

"You still call your father Alan? That's just sad. Learn to forgive Adam. Also, these lilies are so pretty. I'll tell the nurse to keep them here."

I smiled as I thought of that girl. My flower.

"Oh, is that a smile I see on Adam's face? I can't believe it. Is it a girl?" my grandma asked.

"No," I replied, not wanting to admit.

"Oh Adam, you will soon find a girl who will fill your life with colours and complete you. Just wait."

I stood there as I noticed Grandma drifting to sleep.

Grandma is right. I had found the one.

Next morning

"Dylan, get the CCTV footage of the florist shop and I need all the information about the girl. I need it in 5 hours top."

"Woah woah woah. Slow down big boy. A girl? Oh my. Adam Costello is whipped."

"Shut up Dylan and get the information."

"Aye aye Captain."

I was getting restless and annoyed because I am anything but patient. I needed the information about the girl and I needed it now. Two hours had passed and Dylan said he had been working on it. I was releasing my anger on employees, I was out of control. I took a sip of my coffee and spitted it out.

"This coffee is shit. Get me another cup!" I yelled at Stella.

"Yes sir." She stuttered.

After a few hours, Dylan entered my cabin with a file in his hands. My heartbeat accelerated. "Calm down, I got the information. Her name is Rosella Martin. 19. Date of birth 15th May. Father's name is Eric Martin. He died three years ago. And her mother is Samantha Martin. She was in depression after her husbands death but she is coping now. Rosella does online courses in Business Administration and works as a waitress at Louis' diner 6:00 to 9:00, and till 11:00 when she does extra shifts. Anything else you want to know?."

"Does she have a boyfriend, fiancé or husband?" I asked.

"No. Often spotted with this brunette in the second picture, probably her best friend. And she's got two co-workers at the diner."

Rosella. Such a perfect name. My flower. I scanned all the pictures Dylan was able to collect. She looked like an angel. An angel sent from heaven just for me. I couldn't believe she was 19. She looked younger than that. And working at a diner? No, no. She shouldn't be working there. She should be working with me. Instead, she shouldn't be working at all. Only resting. My flower is precious and should be protected at all times.

I looked to my watch and it was 6:10. "Come on Dylan. We are going to Louis' Diner."

I am coming to meet you, my love.

Author's Note:
Hi everyone. My wifi has been shit so I wasn't able to update earlier.
His Weakness has reached (almost) 100 reads and that makes me very happy.
You can ask me questions related to me, the story or the characters and I will answer in my next update. Till then, happy reading.

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