"A Secret to be kept" (PaperFresh)

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PaperJam's POV

"Hey Mr. Fresh-!" I say, maybe a little bit too brightly.

"Heya, Jam!" he says wrapping me up in a hug. I blush brightly as he hugs me, I've been blushing a lot around Fresh lately.

I don't know why, but Mr. Fresh makes me feel weird. I'm 18 now, but I've felt this way for a long time. Everytime I see him, I blush and duck my head a little bit: I just can't help it. And more- I've started to notice that he does the same thing, sometimes. He takes a step away from me.


"What's wrong, Jams?"

"Mr. Fresh, how come when we look at each other we blush?" he stares at me like I'm from another planet "Don't act like you haven't noticed" He sighs.

"I have...I have noticed..." He says scratching the back of his head. "But I think I know a way..." He takes a step closer "To see what it is.."

I start to blush harder "M-Mr. Fresh...." He cups my face in his hands and leans down, giving me a gentle kiss.

"Uh huh....Exactly what I thought..." He's blushing really hard.

I chuckle lightly, and we press our foreheads together.

"Secret?" I whisper.

"Secret." He whispers back.

*3 months later*

"Freshy-? Can you come here?" I call into Fresh's bedroom.

For the past 3 months, Fresh and I have been dating in private, it's been wonderful....But things have gotten pretty. . . heated. The sweet kisses we shared at first have gone from a cupped cheek and a gentle kiss to pushed up against a wall and a kiss that lasts a long time. The most recent kisses have involved his hands running up and down my body, barely dodging the line of lewd.

Fresh walks into the room and gives me a long, lingering kiss.


This time he doesn't pull away, and neither do I.

"Jams...~" he mutters through our kiss as he picks me up.

The blush on my face is unmistakable, so I don't even attempt to hide it. Fresh starts running his hands down my body again, this time grabbing at parts of me that if anyone else grabbed I'd be uncomfortable.

I get lost in the kisses and before I can realize what's going on, I'm pressed against Fresh's bed. I can't even remember why I called him into the kitchen. Must not have been important...I hope.

"Jams....Is this okay?~" he asks, breathing heavily on my neck.

It takes me a moment for me to realize what he's asking but as soon as I do, I know that I'm okay with it.

I nod and he chuckles lightly, gently lowering my pants to my ankles, and lowering his as well. Then he hesitates "How, uh...How do you want too....~"

"Oh!~" I spread my legs so that he can get to me.

"AH~~!" I moan loudly as Fresh pushes into me. "GHHHH~~~"

Tear stream down my face and Fresh wipes them away. "Shhh~ It's okay, Jams~ It's alright~"

I nod for him to start moving and instantly cling to him once he starts. "UH~!"

We go like this for a long time, moaning and, yes, okay, I screamed a lot. But can you really blame me?

Fresh tenses up. "Fuuuunnnkkkk~ Jammmmsss~~" He looks at me straight in the eyes.

I nod to him and he starts going rougher, slamming a certain spot and I scream "OH GOD FRESH~~! RIGHT THERE~!"

I climax, screaming loudly and he rides my climax.

"Hhhh~ Jams~!" He grunts as he comes.

Fresh rolls off of me and we pant together.

"Fresh?" I hear a glitched voice yell "I came to pi-ck up Ja-a-ammy..." 

"M-Mr. Fresh...." 

"We're funked...." 

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