"The Death of Me" (AfterDeath)

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(Geno lives in a house in the SAVE screen- As always- Logic disabled).

Geno's POV.

I make my way into the kitchen to find. Death. In my kitchen. Eating all of my damn eggs again. He may be my boyfriend now but those are still my god damned eggs and he can't have any-

There are a lot of times when I wonder why Reaper even ever comes to the SAVE screen. Maybe he just really likes eating all of my eggs. Or maybe its the fact that I always hit him in the back of the head when I catch him. Reaper is sadistic and strange but you'd have to admit that he might like it. The guy pretty much exists to torment me for my eternal struggle to live so it wouldn't surprise me any if he does like it .

"GOD DAMN IT DEATH-" I yell, walking into the kitchen and slapping him hard against the back of the head "LAY OFF MY EGGS-"

He rubs the back of his head and turns to face me "Aww~ Come on Gen~ I just want a snack~"

"10 eggs is not a snack..."

"Shush~" He lifts an egg above my head "If you want it so bad, then jump and get it~"

I kick him in the shin, causing him to drop to egg and it splatters on the floor "You are cleaning that up-" I say sternly.

"Of course, Daddy~" he purrs. God damn it.

"Don't you even start- Clean that shit up" I say turning away from him.He knows all too well how to get to me.

"But Daddy don't you want me to...~~" He pulls me to him, his front to my back and reaches around me.

"N-No Death....N-Not right now..." I whisper softly "I-I'm really not in the mood right now..."

Then he mutters something that drives me crazy~

"I could get the leash~" ....Damn it.

I turn to him, throwing my arms around his neck and kissing him deeply. Why must he torment me with my fetishes? I swear he gets more sadistic every day. Or maybe I get more masochistic.

We yank each others clothes off and throw them into the living room, pulling each other down that hall towards my bedroom. Apparently I'm not moving fast enough because when we slam against a wall, he lifts me up against it and picks me up. He carries me into my bedroom and pretty much slams us down onto the bed, grinding against me almost instantaneously. And of course, I moan.

We're both naked now, there is no need for clothes anymore. But if he thinks he's gonna tease me and not go through with his promise then he's got another thing coming. I push him away slightly. "Leash or nothing~"

He chuckles and walks to my top dresser drawer, pulling out the collar and leash and then rushing back to me, puting the collar on a little bit too tight. But I love it~

He grabs my leash and pulls my head to his pelvis, which has formed his light blue member.

I close my eyes and start to suck. Usually I hate this part, but right now I couldn't care less~

"Nnh~" He grunts, placing one hand on my head and tightening the other around my leash.

Pathetically- He comes right away, and I pull away coughing.

"D-Damn it~! You didn't even last two minutes, Reaper!" (Reaper- The world's most pathetic light weight- xD)

"Sorry baby~" He purrs, "Now~ Hands and knees~" I do what he says.

"If you look at me, or if you move we'll start aallll over~" Tempting, is it not? I simply nod in response.

He thrusts into me hard and doesn't wait for me to adjust. We've done this before- I know how this works~

He slams into me deeper and harder with every thrust, not pausing to wait for me. I moan loudly.

"AAAH~ REAPY~~!" I scream, making him yank my leash back, choking me slightly.

"Oh fuck~ Louder~!" He commands.


"Damn straight~!" he yells at me, pounding me harder.

"AAAAHHHH~~~!" I moan in pleasure as I come.

He rides my climax and then comes inside of me, Pulling out and laying beside me. He chuckles and pulls me into his arms.

"You will be the death of me, Reaper"

"Good" Is all he says as we drift to sleep.

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