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Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes us bigger, even though sometimes it is hard to realise this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and grieves which we endure help us in our marching onward.

- Paul Anga

She found him standing inside the telephone booth, simply staring at telephone. She hadn't realized that this was the man who she is looking for her whole life. She thought he was creepy stranger, on standing on her way to make important call to get her car fix which gracefully stop in middle of the road before it causes some damage to others. She also forgotten her mobile that night, which led her to walk block away from her car to search some pay phone.

Which was occupied by him, the man who looks very rich, handsome guy, what's need to use pay phone while he is holding the costly and s*xy iPhone in his hand, she thought. She waited for few minutes outside the booth, hoping that the man will make quick call. It took few minutes for her to notice he not using the phone just simply staring it with same intensity she thought him as some crazy handsome idiot.

She took a step ahead and knock door which made him realize someone waiting outside. He slid the door open and poke his head out and lost in her simple beauty, his widens eyes made her think what if he drugged, did she caught herself with some handsome stranger, and how to make his sense back.

"I'm sorry, but could I use the phone "His concentration was completely on her, yet he was not saying anything. So, she waved her hand, he blinked his eyes.

Then, his answer surprised her" No". With that closed the door and turned back to previous task of staring the phone. His act made her angry and thought handsome rich spoiled idiot.

In normal circumstances, she would have let it go, but today she was tired, cold and some past moments pecked her mind, so she thought she should get back home as soon possible by taking help from her so-called step father, just name sake. So, found herself knocking door once door.

"What" he poked his head out. "Can't you see I'm busy??"

"Ohooo staring at the telephone, well I see that "she replied." Look I have to make quick call, after that u can continue your staring work, So please will you"

He raised his eyebrows and smirk formed in his face. In this place she took a good look at him. Brown eyes, short black hair that looked as if he ran his finger through it number of times and well defined jaw structure. Well, anyone can fall for him at first sight itself. If he wasn't crazy and all she thought.

"I'm sorry you Miss, I was waiting for an important call you got it, So big NO "he said and shut the door on her face.

Crazy and rude, she thought. She didn't like the idea to go around and find some other pay phone currently. The one which was perfect is in front of her and she will dammed if she wasn't going to use it. So again, this time she literally banged the door which made up of glass due to heavy bang. Its combined of frustration, angry and with attitude. A mixed emotion of herself. Glass left the crack all over corner. Which made him turn and shock expression appeared in his handsome face.

"what the F*** is wrong with you Miss"

"Just let me use the damn phone man, My car broke down and don't want to walk around at this time to find other pay phone, So just give damn for five minutes, will come out asap, please man"

He was taken aback listening her each word but not ready to move. She yelled, and he yelled back. It continued, suddenly she grabbed his arms and he held one hand at booth door.

"you girl, freakishly strong"

"thank you, man,"

"Just let go it. I was waiting for an important call, it's really important girl"

"If you just let me earlier, I would have finished, and you could have been waiting all night without any interruption you idiot"

"How dare you calling me idiot. You b...." before he completes she started to yell

And it went on and on. Finally using all her strength, she made one last tug which brought both them down to the ground. Somehow, she found herself lying top of him and both groaned in pain.

"What a day "she moaned in pain

"You are telling me that "he muttered

Both eyes are meet, unknown emotions, feeling started to grow between them, which was ignored by both.

As both sat up and dust the dirt off from their cloth. Started their convincing argument which lead way to third person when both heard shut sound of door.

Both looked at each other in disbelief and after beat, rushed to booth.

"Excuse me we were using that" she cried

"yeah there is line here "he said

A man cradled the phone in his ears, shrugged his shoulder

"You both were busy in fighting, so it's time to grab the phone and now you both wait till i finish" he finished with mock

"Great "she said turned to him who glaring at her.

"look what you did, it's all because of you "he groaned

"Yeah its because of you idiot, Just I want to make my car fix and leave this place safe at this time". She cried out little loud.

Her cute chubby face with some simple charm made him melt and wide smile appeared in his face.

"ok fine where is your car, come I will help you to fix it but later you have to drop me. Will you agree for it "he said with grin face

"Why? No need of it "she said with fake angry

There was silence for few minutes. Finally she gives up.

"ok fine, Deal" she said


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