20: Jongup

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Lee Joon point of view

                "You're not surprised?" Jongup let out as he chuckled to himself. I narrowed my eyes at him slightly annoyed. My leg is killing me. I can feel my body go slowly down as my good leg started to weaken. But I will not show him I am in pain. I maintained a straight face as I just stared at him. "How I survived two years ago? Well that is a long and complicated story that I don't trust you enough to tell. But I will tell you how I remained off the radar. I faked my death simple. So they didn't even look for me to begin with." He shrugged.

                " What about Alex? You never told her? Does she even know now?" I asked. Jongup's eyes immediately looked at me with sadness. He shook his head at me. I rolled my eyes at him angered at what he put her through. Jaejoong told me how she was without him. "Bastard! You know how depressed she was at first without you. Do you know how much she blamed herself for your death!" I practically yelled at him.

I fisted my hands in anger. I breathed heavily. My body is starting to feel heavy as my peripheral vision started to go black. I am losing too much blood. I let out a groan in pain as I let my body go down to a sitting position. Noticing my action Jongup let out a sigh as he grabbed Alex's abandoned scarf on the floor handing it to me. I stared at the scarf then at him with curious and distrusting eyes. He motioned the scarf to me again for I to take it, but I just narrowed my eyes at him.

"Will you take the damn scarf! We need to pause the bleeding for now before you lose too much blood. My place is around here I can treat your wound there." He growled out in frustration thrusting the scarf towards me.

I nodded my head slowly taking the scarf still looking at him suspiciously. Putting the scarf under my bad leg I quickly tied it tightly on my wound letting out a groan when I tightened it. My leg vibrated harder in pain then slowly when numb. I watched as the scarf slowly started to fill with blood. Looking back up at Jongup to see him staring at me with regret. What is going on right now?

"Why? Why are you doing this?" I breathed out still confused by his actions. He was the one who shot me now he is helping me. Jongup let out a breath as he ran his hand through his brown hair. He looked to the side out the alley then back at me.

"I know you are Lee Joon from the South Korean division." He started to explain. My eyes widen looking at him in shock. He knows who I am. "I shot you at first because I thought you were gonna finish your mission and kill Alex. And I can't have you doing that, but when I saw the sincerity in your eyes when you told me you would still protect her in death I realized you feel the same way about her as I do. I'm sorry I shot you, but you need to understand I've been protecting Alex in the shadows for these past two years. I would do anything for her. When I saw you chase her I knew I had to stop you before you hurt her. Hell a few days ago I had to help her break out of Zmeya's prison without her recognizing me."

"I understand. I would do the same if I were in your position, but I believe we should move now. It is not safe to talk about these things out here. Also I need to get my wound treated." Jongup nodded in agreement.

He bent down putting my arm on his shoulder helping me up. I gritted my teeth as agonizing pain overcame my body as I put all my weight on my good leg. I leaned against Jongup letting him support me. Breathing heavily I mentally prepared myself for what's about to happen. To walk I have to put some weight on my bad leg and it is going to be tortuous. Putting everything he has told me temporary on hold to focus on moving. Just when we started to move towards a building I heard a loud voice.

"Hyung!" Daesung's voice echoed as he stood in front of the alleyway looking at us with wide confused eyes. Sweat covered his face and back as he breathed heavily signifying he has been running a lot. I rolled my eyes in annoyance glaring at him.

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