"Well aren't you in a mood ?" Tyler laughs with his eyebrows raised .

"I'm just happy but dude she just called you ugly ." I laugh walking in the direction of his locker .

"I'm touched that she called you hot ." He laughs .

He gets his books from his locker and we walk in the direction of Mr Clifton's class .

"Amelia , how are you feeling ?" He asks as soon as I enter the class .

"Hey Mr C , I'm good thanks how are you ?" I smile walking to his table .

"I'm good thanks ." He gives me a charming smile .

I smile and walk away from his table going to take a seat next to Tyler .

"What did Andrew want ?" Tyler asks looking angry .

"He was just asking if I was alright ." I shrug taking out my Life Sciences book .

"Be careful of him please ." Tyler mumbles .

"Why ? Does he have a reputation ?" I whisper .

"Yeah , that's all I'm going to say ." He groans .

"I promise ." I smile reassuring him .

Mr Clifton stands up as soon as the bell rings and starts teaching . The whole time Tyler sends me letters that say really offensive things about Mr Clifton and I remind myself to ask him what that's all about . The bell rings signaling the end of the period so we leave the class but I am stopped by Mr Clifton .

"I'll see you at break ?" He asks .

"Yes Mr A ." I smile leaving the class .

"My chariot awaits me ." I say jumping on Tyler's back .

"Your chariot wants you to be careful though !" He whisper shouts .

"Okay , you'll be with me so it's alright ." I whisper in his ear .

"I don't want you there Amelia ." He says walking up the stairs .

"Why is it such a big deal Tyler ? I can handle myself except for when I have to go up the stairs but that's pretty much it ." I sigh .

"Amelia I'm trying to be serious ." He chuckles .

"He has a reputation for liking school girls , I don't want you there okay ?" He asks placing me down .

"Okay , whenever I'm around him you'll be there . Thanks bestie ." I smile kissing him on the cheek .

I walk into the class taking a seat in my chair where as Tyler comes into the class talking to a girl I've seen around school . He smiles and looks at her as if she means the world to him . It kind of makes me annoyed because I'm used to him giving me attention more than everyone around . The sight makes me angry so I just glare at my pencil case which is on the desk .

"What's up ? You look like you could kill an animal ." Freya says next to me .

"Well Hello to you too Freya ." I say not looking at her .

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