Chapter 19

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This chapter is going to be really boring, just for a heads up. It is about her brother mostly. It is short an boring because I won't be able to update for atleast a week! :( I am going camp. WITHOUT RESEPTION! -_- So enjoy this chapter while you can :P Love you guys! Thanks.

Chapter 19:

A knock at the door awoken me.

"Hello love, I brought you some food. I am really sorry about all this." Liam said siting next to me on the bed.

"It's okay. It's just a really big desission." I said trying to think again.

"Oh and thank you for the food." I added quickly.

Liam laughed and then left me to think. I didn't know what to think about though. I mean it sounds weird, but it's up to my brother. He is dead, but I will find a way. My heart will speak for me, but at the moment it is mute. 

"Yes or no!" I said as if Alexavier was in the room with me. 

I sat  there to think a little while longer and then finally got up to go to Alexavier's old room. Maybe his room would bring memories that i should remember. Maybe it would tell me wheather I should go with Liam or not.

I sat on the bed, feeling tear's come to my eyes.

"I'm sorry." I said outloud again.

I looked around his room searching for something. I didn't know what I was searching for though. I looked through his drawers and only found old not books full of school homework. I then looked at all the pictures on the walls. There was pictures of me and him and him and my grandmother, old vacations, and him with his friends. That is when I knew where the answer would come from.

scrap books.

I went over to his book shelf looking for some good scapbooks. My mom made him some when he went high school. She thought that once he went to highschool that he needed to remeber all the good times that he has had.  I guess she knew something bad would happen, but I don't know. I pulled out the latest years and sat on his bed. 

I saw pictures of when we went to Disney Land, Bahamas, and even British Colimbia. In one picture Alexavier and I were on a roller coster. In another we were eating Ice cream. Oh my gosh, I had forgotten that I shoved it in his face! I laughed to myself looking at the pictures. Suprisingly I didn't feel sad. Probably because they were pictures from when we were younger. 

I started looking at pictures a year later from the other ones. I saw pictures of the poison Ivy he got at our cottage. It was read all up his chest and down his legs. By those pictures I had tears from laughter, not sadness. I saw pictures of when he played football, of when we were cliff diving, and even when we were studying together. We didn't look so happy in those pictures.  Alexavier had grown a lot since then. 

I took out the next years book and that book had me with tears iin my eyes. It was getting sooner to the year he died. I still enjoyed them, but it was harder to smile. In this book I saw Alexaviers first girlfriend, when he had his mollors pulled, him playing his old guitar, and even him working at the ice cream shop. I loved seeing those pictures. We both looked so happy. Like nothing mattered, like everything was okay. 

I took out the next book and it was the year before he died. This was going to be harder to look at. It was the year all the bullying started and I am guessing the year he started on the ciigerettes and drugs. He still looked happy. His girlfriend dumped him that year too, so it just wasn't th best year for him. We still hung out together though. There is pictures of us carving pumpkins on halloween, decorating the tree at christmas, walking the nabours dog. Lets just say my mom took a lot of pictures. My mom doesn't take any pictures now. If she does, not many of them turn out happy.

Lastly was the year that Alexavier died. I hesitated to open the book, knowing their would be many tears. When I was looking at the pictures he really did look sick. I guess we didn't notice because he always had that same, funny personality. He had almost a greyish tone to his skin and dark circles under his eyes.  The tears started poring down my face. There were less pictures of us together than any other scrap book. I wish I had spent more time with him, he was a great person.  There were pictures of him doing word searches, eating breakfast in bed on his birthday, and walking the nabours dog by himself. I really disconnnected with him. I am soo stupid. I loved my brother more than anything and then I go stupid and don't relize he is in pain. There were pictures of the two of us swimming, resuling, baking cookies, and even petting a stray cat. I guess I didn't loose total connection.

I fliped the page to see that it was blank. I started to cry again knowing that he was dead at this point. I couldn't even begin to descride my emotion. There were no more adventures that were going to be shared between us. And thats when I made my dissition. 

"Are you okay?" Liam said walking in the door. 

"Not really, But I have made my dessiction." I said sniffling.

"Really? What is it?" Liam said wrapping his arms around me.

"I have decided to come. If no more adventures can be between me and Alexavier on paper. Then we will do it in spirit! I am making my own adventures and I know that ALexavier will always be there." I said hugging him. 

My adventures will be comtinued. Just in a different place, with different people.


Authors note: Okay Ill upload when I get back! Thanks guys! VOTE, COMMENT< READ! Thanks Love you!

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