Chapter 3

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Hey guys and Gurls! this Is going to be a pretty good chapter and I know Liam has a girlfriend in real life but he doesn’t have one in this story so sorry Danielle maybe ill mention you somewhere! :) enjoy

Chapter 3:

I woke up to the sound of a text message. It was Harry. It read "Thanks so much for saving me yesterday love! <3 ;) Can't wait to see you! x"  I nearly jumped out of my skin waking up to a text message from 1/5 of one direction. I almost forgot I was leaving for a tour with them until I got that text message. After I stopped googly eyeing my phone I got up had a shower and got into the most professional outfit I owned. I realized I was a little early for my flight so I checked my twitter. 

@NiallOfficial: Can't wait to see @EllaPayneStylesMalikTomlinsonHoran today! She saved Harry's Life yester day! who knows what she will do today! ;) x

@Harry_Styles: Thanks for saving my life @EllaPayneStylesMalikTomlinsonHoran! Can’t wait to see your beautiful face today! ..x

@zaynmalik: Seeing our new first aid lady today! She was first just a fan but she decides to live the dream ;) x

I couldn’t believe that I had gotten mentions and follows from all the One Direction band mates. I responded to all of them in one tweet and realized I was a little late so I said goodbye to my family and hugged my brother Alexavier as tight as I could. I teared up a little bit because we were so close and hadn’t been apart for so long before. as I got in the car to leave I blared some One Direction music and drove to the airport to meet the boys.

"ELLA!!!" Louis shouted running at me.

"Hey Ella how you doing" Harry said in a cheeky tone with a wink.

" I'm okay and yourself" I said as if he asked me in an actual question.

" hey babe" Liam said with a wink

"Hiya" Niall said with a frown on his face

"whets wrong Niall?" I asked

"It's.. It's just I'm starving and the boys rushed out of the house and I didn’t get to eat" Naill said while scowling at the boys.

I pulled out a few granola bars and a couple juice boxes and gave them to Niall to hold him over until we can eat.

"Oh my god thank you so much Ella" Naill said with a sigh of relief.

It was funny because knew almost everything about them because I was a freakish fan. I knew that I could still be a fan but I had to lay off and jus be there friend and employee. Harry came over and asked me why I was crying before. I didn’t know that it looked like I had been but I guess it did.

"Its just I have to leave everyone at home and I haven’t been away from my brother for a long time. he is my best friend so it sounds kind of weird." I said 

"AWE! its okay" Liam said 

Harry wrapped his arms around me and I started to tear up again because his hugs reminded me of my brother. I felt kind of weird because he isn’t my brother he is a worldwide singer. I pushed him off me slightly and he released me. 

"So when are we leaving?" Zayn asked with a bored look on his face

"I think the flight to England is at noon" Liam responded while looking at his shoes.

"Actually its at 1:30 Zayn" I said sheepishly

Liam just stared at his shoes blushing. I thought it was kind of cute because as he stared at his shoes he was actually staring at me from the corner of his eye. I went and sat down a couple rows ahead of the boys.

"I think Liam has a thing for you" an Irish voice whispered in my ear. 

I started to blush and pretend I didn’t hear him.

"you know its true!" he said with a smirk on his face.

"I don’t know what you’re talking about Niall" I said as if I actually didn’t when I really do.

"Just don’t break his heart" Harry said coming out of nowhere.

I jumped a little when harry said that because I thought he was with Liam but I guess not. 


"Flight 204 is boarding now! please board flight 204!" A voice said coming from the speakers

"Time to go boys," I directed them.

I ended up staying a second to take in the last breath of air from Mississauga. I started to tear up as I boarded the plain. I felt a hand wrap around my back in a comforting way. I was too sad to look up to see who it was though.

"Its okay, we come back here for a concert a couple times in Canada so you can see your family then and we have a week break ever couple months." Liam said not moving his hand from around my back.

"thanks Liam I said turning around kissing him on the cheek.

I saw him blush a little bit on the way to the plain. The walk to meet the others was silent except for when I tripped and he started laughing. well at least after he asked me if I was okay. We saw the boys and sat on the plain for a couple hours.


It will get better soon I promise!

I Saved One Directionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें