Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

"Hey do we have a First Aid person working for us?" Louis asked his band mates.

"I don't think we do" replied Liam.

"we sure need one!" harry added.

I kind of started to walk away when harry asked me I wanted to be there First Aid person.

"You'll be with us all the time" harry said.

" Uhm... Do I go on tour with you too" I asked realizing it was a dumb question.

" obviously!" Louis said before bursting out laughing.

Liam put his arm around me while saying "what do you say?". Not even thinking about it I said yes. I mean going on tour with one direction and most likely not having to even work half the time, it’s a dream come true. I guess being a fan girl paid off. Also that I was studying health because I want to be in the medical business.

"YAY!" shouted Louis.

Zayn just winked at me and then started goofing around with Niall. I joked and told them to stop because I wouldn't want something bad to happen while I'm on duty. Well considering I'm such a huge fan I hope nothing bad happens anyway. All the boys put there numbers in my phone, but told me I couldn't give it to anybody. I laughed knowing that I don't exactly have anyone to send it too because my best friend that loves one direction too just broke her phone. Not only that but I'm leaving tomorrow.


That night 

I was in my bedroom packing all my things for the tour and decided to take a picture and send it on twitter just to see how many people would respond in a jealous way.

@EllaPayneStylesMalikTomlinsonHoran:  Packing to go on tour with 1D to be their first aid lady! <3 AH

Ten minutes later my computer made a twitter sound I saw that Liam had responded.

@Real_Liam_Payne: As you should be! I followed you so we can keep contact when we aren't together! Can't wait for you to join us love. x

Oh my god Liam Payne followed me! I couldn't believe my eyes and I started fan girling and jumping around my bedroom like a maniac. I was so tired I just went to bed after I finished packing.

I Saved One DirectionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz