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-This Tastes So Good-

/// Edds Pov ///

"Oh, Edd... you really are an idiot, aren't you?"

My face starting changing colour, to purple to be exact! My hands wrap around his one, trying to free my self.

"M-Matt... I c-can't.. b-bre.. breath!" I manage to stutter out. 

Matt giggled. "Well, I don't want a blue dinner..." Matt trailed off, dropping me from his grip. I landed on my butt. My hands around my neck in a way to sooth the pain. 

I tried to stand and leg it out the door. But before I could even move a metre away. Matt's had pinned me to the wall, his arms on either side preventing me from leaving. At least I'm not being choked. 

Matt started to move in closer. His left hand is removed from my side and down to my shoulder, sliding my green hoodie down a bit and reveal my skin.

My cheeks heated up.

Matt lowered his head down to my shoulder where my hoodie would usually be but isn't. I suddenly realized what he was doing. He was about to suck the blood outta me. Possibly kill me if he's that hungry.

Matts' lips brush against my shoulder. His warm breath against my cold skin made shivers go down my spine.

My face heated up more.

Shortly he started to bite down, nothing happens. This made me a blushing mess!

Matt stopped and looked directly into my eyes. "You are the sweetest thing I have EVER tasted!" He chirped, going back down to my shoulder.

Before he bit down again, I saw his teeth turn into fangs. This time sucking out some blood. 

But all that was going through my mind was 'Where was Tom? Is he even alive??'

Before I could finish my thoughts, Matt had bitten harder. Making me yelp in pain and scream out, "M-MATT!! STOP... I-it hurts... so much..." I calm down a bit after the sudden pain.

He only got more aggressive. My yelps and cries of pain only becoming louder.

Matt finally realized what he was doing and pulled himself away and backing up a bit. I slid down the wall, my hand grabbing to the bleeding wound on my shoulder. My vision got blurry. I fell onto my side. Black dots had started to appear in my vision.

"Edd? Are you alright??" I heard Matts concern before I blacked out. 

/// Toms Pov ///

I stumble backwards after the demon's words. Of course, I trip on nothing but air, causing me to fall. I close my eyes ready for the impact of the ground. 

But it never came...

Instead, two arms wrap around me, bringing me back up into a standing position. I open my eyes to see that the demon had caught me mid-fall. 

He giggled. "You need to be more careful there~" He purred. "By the way, my names Tord~"

I look away from his gaze. "Why am I here?" I ask, wanting answers.

'Tord' laughed before starting to explain. "Well, you saw me sooo I kinda had to lock you up forever. Oh! Don't worry about your friends! I turned one of them into a monster. The ginger one, I think?"

I just stared at the ground.

Before I knew what was happening, a force pushed me against the wall behind me. I look up from the sudden movement. It was Tord.

"You're kinda cute for a mortal." He giggled some more before moving in closer. 

Our lips were only an inch away. 

Finally, he kissed me sweetly. I couldnt fight the urge to kiss back. I kissed him back, liking the taste of strawberries. This tastes so good.

He was just so hypnotic.

How could I not resist the urge to kiss him?

He pulled away, smirking. "You like that?~" He purred into my ear. The colour pink dusted my cheeks. He kissed me again but the time more aggressively. His arms wrap around my waist while my own wrap around his neck. 

I wanted  him more and more.

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