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Nowhere was beautiful in Lucas' eyes. I couldn't disagree. The beach was just like the one in Eagleland but just... better.

The grass and tress that surrounded the road was vibrant and lush, the sky was a pretty blue color and the clouds were faint and fluffy. Finally, the water was shimmering in the small amount of sunlight that was left and small, gentle waves were washing up against the sand.

We had been sailing for hours so it was about late mid-day, however, it felt like evening when we arrived.

Carefully, Ninten pushed himself up onto the small, wooden dock before letting his hand out for Lucas. I tightened my grip around Lucas' waist in a subtle act of selfishness to stop him from going. Lucas noticed and looked to me.

"Oh! Don't worry about Ness! He's just being a little moody, that's all." Ninten smiled nervously.

I could tell that Ninten was addressing me when he said this, so I let go and let Lucas take Ninten's hand.
"I-Is everything okay?" Lucas asked me as he put out his hand. I avoided eye contact as I took his hand.
"He's fine!" Ninten interrupted. I nodded in agreement as I let go of Lucas' hand.

Ninten was trying his best not to worry or upset Lucas. I wasn't helping that matter. He must have been really worried about Lucas psi.

All of a sudden, I noticed that Ninten was still holding Lucas' hand. "Lucas! You're shaking!" Ninten pointed out. Lucas quickly took his hands away and hid them behind his back.
"I-I'm just nervous." Lucas admitted.
"Nervous! How can you be nervous? They're your friends." Ninten exclaimed.
"I-I just don't know how they'll react." Lucas stammered.
"Come on, they'll be happy to see you." Ninten reassured as he began to walk down the modern looking road.

Lucas and I followed in silence.

As we continued to walk, I noticed that there was large patches of burnt grass scattered around the place. I didn't bring it up, however, Ninten did. "Hey Lucas, why is all of this grass burnt?" He asked as he continued to lead.
"Oh... that's where some people's houses were. They were destroyed by lightning from the tower of Love and Peace." Lucas explained.
"That doesn't sound very peaceful to me." Ninten added.
"Don't worry, it's been destroyed now." Lucas said as he walked beside Ninten.

Eventually; we arrived at a small town square. Lucas was so nervous that he refused to go any further. Ninten had to pull Lucas aside to calm him down.

"I-I can't! I can't do it!" Lucas cried out.
"Why not?" Ninten asked softly. Lucas pushed himself against the wall that was near the square's entrance. Luckily, from where we were, we couldn't be seen.
"Everyone will be asking about where I was and what happened. They'll be worried.... and I don't want that." Lucas explained "there's nothing for them to worry about."

As Ninten was trying to comfort Lucas, I noticed a large group of people, gathering in the center of the square. There was a man who stood out from the rest as he seemed like the leader. He wore a yellow shirt with a brown jacket covering it and a red scarf around his neck and most notably, a wide-brimmed hat that covered his eyes.

"We need to split up!" The man announced "I don't care how long it takes! I refuse to believe my son is dead! If he had hope in all of us after we betrayed him then... then I have have hope that he's still alive!" The man continued, clearly getting upset.

This was Lucas' father. He was forming a search party to Look for Lucas, as no one knew where he was.

"Ninten!" I called.
"Ness! Why aren't you comforting Lucas? He's your boyfriend, not mine!" Ninten yelled.
"Shhh! There's a search party looking for Lucas!" I explained. Ninten was going to say something, but was interrupted by Lucas.
"There's people here! They're alive!" Lucas gasped happily. "Everyones Okay!"
"So go and talk to them!" Ninten tried to persuade "they're waiting for you!"

Washed Up Wonder (NessXLucas) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz