Why did this have to happen?

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A/N: sorry that these chapters are getting long. It's spring break and I have nothing to do. Language warning.
Ness' POV:

I was awoken by the feeling of being
violently dragged across the floor. I woke in a cold sweat as I didn't know where Lucas was, the last thing I remember was fainting as the the room we were both in got gassed.

I looked up to see a person in a pink army uniform and a pigmask dragging me across the floor.

I was determined to find Lucas and I wasn't going to go down without a fight.

Quickly, I got to my feet and pulled away from the soldier. Unfortunately, my hands were tied together again, making getting away more of a challenge.

"Ay Brat! What do you think you're doing!" The soldier yelled as he yanked me back by my arms.
"My arms don't bend that way asshole!" I insulted as I pulled my arms away and into a more comfortable position. "Where have you bastards taken Lucas!" I asked.
"I ain't seen you around here before so what's your deal?" The soldier asked, avoiding my question.
"Nothing! I just need to find Lucas!" I explained.
"So you're friends with him then." The soldier concluded "you must know how much of a pain in the ass he can be."
"Wait, we are talking about the same Lucas... right?
"Blonde hair, bright blue eyes. His appearance is really hard to mistake." The soldier replied as we reached the end of the corridor.
"Wait! How do you know Lucas!?" I shouted
"Let's just say that him and the king have quite the rivalry." The soldier explained as he pushed me up a set of stairs.

"You mean that king of Nowhere island?" I asked
"Yeah... how do you know that!?" The soldier grunted
"Lucas told me." I grinned.
"I guess that little brat has told you everything then huh."

We had reached the final corridor and at the end of it was a huge set of door that were kinda intimidating.

"Yeah! He told me what you did to his brother!" I shouted. The soldier didn't reply, he just sighed in annoyance. "How could you do that to Lucas!? He hasn't done anything wrong!" I defended.
"You think he's innocent huh? That fucking brat destroyed our city, meaning thousands of civilians were left homeless and were unable to support their families... he put everyones life in danger when he pulled the last needle!" The soldier shouted in anger.

I was speechless as I was now confused on what actually happened. This made me more determined to get to Lucas and find out the truth.

"Thank god the kings gonna kill that son of a bitch soon." The soldier whispered under his breath as we continued to walk
"What!!" I cried out "there's no way I'm gonna let you kill him!"
"Why not?!" The soldier yelled as he shoved me to the floor.
"Tell me where Lucas in now!" I demanded.
"No fucking way kid!" The soldier replied as he swiped a key card into a small outlet.
"Just tell me if Lucas is okay!" I yelled before being pulled up from the floor and shoved through the door. I fell to my knees as the soldier stood beside me. I had no choice but to look forward.

"Oh my fucking god!!... what the hell happened!?" I gasped as I unfortunately saw a bloody corpse of an ex soldier I assume.

I began to panic as I had never seen a dead body before... and I hadn't really planned to. I frantically looked around, Luckily finding Lucas!

I mean, his hands were tied up above his head uncomfortably but he was fine, I think. Lucas was unconscious so maybe he wouldn't have felt the pain of it. I felt a little bad for him as he was probably as confused as I was.

I knew that Lucas was unconscious but I was trying anything to get him to wake up. "Lucas! Lucas wake up!" I shouted. The soldier kicked my in the side to be quiet.
"Shut it kid! You're in the kings presents!" He pointed out.

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