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Hand in hand, Lucas and I walked down the stairs. I could here Tracy excitedly explain everything to Mom.
"Oh Ness, Tracy was just explaining what happened." Mom greeted us.
"Oh yeah." I gulped as I began to blush.
"I'm so glad that you finally found someone!" She cried out, pulling me into a hug. I knew Lucas was watching so it felt kind of embarrassing. Quickly, I pushed away. "Oh sorry honey, was I embarrassing you in front of your boyfriend." Mom joked as she glanced at Tracy.
"No...No!" I repeated as I edged back, my face bright red. Tracy giggled to herself.
"You know, I never thought Ness was going to find the one." Mom explained to Lucas. "All of his friends had already found someone so he was all alone... but now he's found you! He's a lot happier now that he's found you!"  Lucas couldn't help but smile.
"Okay, I'll admit it! We can change the subject now !" I complained stubbornly. "Come on, lets head upstairs... away from my crazy family." I grabbed Lucas' hand and began to walk to the stairs.
"Look! They're even holding hands!" Tracy squealed excitedly. I continued to drag Lucas over to the stairwell.
"Someone save me from this insane family." I whispered under my breath as we made our way up the stairs.

I began to get more annoyed as I could continue to here Tracy and Mom's conversation from downstairs. I think Lucas could tell that I was getting angry.

I stormed into my room, slamming my bedroom door against the wall. Lucas flinched back in fear. I probably scared him. He was quite , something was on his mind I could tell.

I sat down into my bed and impatiently crossed my arms. There was a moment of silence as Lucas sat down beside me.
"Ness... may I ask what happened to your dad?" Lucas asked quietly. My head perked up. I was surprised that Lucas would ask something like that without any hesitation.
"Why do you ask?" I enquired
"Uh I-I just didn't- I-I mean you've never mentioned him and he's not in any of the photographs downstairs." Lucas stammered.
"It's hard to explain... it's better if I show you." I explained. I slid off of the bed and onto the spare mattress down bellow. I leaned forward so that I could see under my bed. Slowly, I reached my hand underneath. Trying to find the photo album that I kept in my room.

"What are you looking for?" Lucas asked, rolling into his stomach and looked down at me. Carefully, I pulled the album from under the bed and rested it on my lap. It wasn't obvious that it was a photo album, it looked like more of an old journal of some sort, just without any folds or tares in it. The album was actually very new so it wasn't filled up very much. There were tons of pages that were empty.

I was given it for my fourteenth birthday, that was actually a couple of days ago. I hadn't really gotten time to fill it up. However, Mom made me stick in a few pictures from my childhood and I hadn't finished putting in the pictures from my adventure so there were only a few photos with my friends in but it still meant a lot to me.

As I flicked to the front of the book, Lucas sat up and slid off of the bed and sat himself next to me. On the first page was two photos. The first one was a family photo with Mom, dad and I. I was super young at the time, you could tell. This was when Dad found an old camera in the attic and managed to get it working. I remember when that happened.

I had almost forgotten what Dad looked like... since I never see him anymore. He'll sometimes call me, Mom will never talk to him though.
The second picture was me grinning excitedly to the camera. I laughed to myself out loud.
"This was the day before my sixth birthday." I explained "I remember being so excited that I couldn't sleep." Slowly, I turned the page to reveal another two photos. It was nice to look back good memories. We looked at a couple more pages before the number of family photos decreased. Eventually, Dad stopped appearing in the photos. "Yeah... after my eighth birthday Mom kicked Dad out of the house for getting into too much financial trouble with the neighbors."I said quietly.
"Do you ever see him?" Lucas asked
"No... not anymore." I answered. There was a moment of silence.

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