Well this is awkward

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All of a sudden, I heard an unexpected knock at the door.
"Is it two already." I laughed, trying to break the silence.
"It's not-" Lucas began before I opened the door expecting to see Tracy.
"Oh! ... Ana." I exclaimed
"Hey" she said quietly.

Things may have been a bit awkward since Ninten was always there when we talked. I Would have never expected her to come alone. "This must be your ... boyfriend." Ana added, peering over my shoulder to address Lucas
"Ninten told you didn't he." I laughed
"Yep! He phoned me as soon as he found out!" Ana explained happily
"Oh Ninten." I sighed, stepping aside to let Ana in.
"That's actually the reason I came round." She admitted.
"Yeah, he's been the topic of a lot of our conversations." I said, turning to Lucas, he nodded in response.
"What happened to your arm?" Ana asked, pointing to the large cut down Lucas' right arm. I knew Lucas wasn't going to say anything so I had to interrupt.
"Let's just say... Ninten happened."
"Oh my god, I hope you're okay." Ana gasped
"He'll be fine." I reassured "hey Lucas, why don't you head upstairs and get some rest." I suggested.

Swiftly, Lucas got up off the couch and quickly ran up the stairs. Ana turned to me and gave me a confused look.
"He'll be fine." I repeated.
"I can't believe Ninten would do such a thing."
"That wasn't Ninten... he's been hypnotised or something." I concluded.
"That would make sense. He would never pass up an opportunity to spend time with me!" Ana explained
"He never met up with you yesterday?" I asked. Ana shook her head.
"When it was time for us to meet up he wasn't picking up his phone and when I went to check on him he wasn't home."

I was about to reply when all of a sudden, I heard a door from upstairs slam shut. I tried my best to ignore it but over time I kept getting more worried about Lucas.

Ana was curious about what happened this morning so I explained everything to her. She seemed a little betrayed after hearing it. We talked about a plan to get Ninten back however, we just couldn't understand what really happened to him.

After a while, i felt like things were no longer awkward between me and Ana . It made me feel like it would be easier to talk to her after this.

"I guess I really should be getting back home." Ana sighed " I'll even go by Ninten's house to see if he's home."she explained as she edged to the door.
"Be careful." I warned. Ana took hold of the handle and opened the door briefly before giving me a final smile.

After that, I went upstairs to check on Lucas. However, I felt a bit uneasy as I approached my bedroom door.

Lucas was standing in front of the window, staring out of it. Everything was silent. I knew something was wrong. I didn't know if to bring it up , I mean Lucas seemed upset as it was. Just saying anything seemed like a big risk but something had to be said.

"You're mad at me, aren't you." I pointed out. I had no control over what I was going to say, I just let my mind say what it wanted. Unfortunately, that was the worst thing I could have done in this situation.
"You don't have to point it out! It's pretty obvious!" Lucas snapped. I paused.
"I'm getting real sick of your mood swings, you know that."  Lucas gave me a sharp stare before approaching me.
"That's because you don't understand!" Lucas cried out.
"That's it! I've tried my best to help but you're just so... stubborn!" I explained
"No! It's because I don't need help!"
"You know what, I don't care anymore! I don't care about what happens to you ... I don't care if you blame everything on yourself! You're the reason I lost my best friend!"

I immediately regretted what I had just said. I was so wrapped up in anger that I wasn't paying attention to what I was actually saying.

Lucas quickly flinched back.
"You're right... what's the point of me being here if all I do is mess things up?" Lucas asked me coldly as he brushed passed me and towards the door.
"No Lucas, I-I didn't mean it." I tried to explain.
"I don't care if you meant it or not... it's better if I leave." Lucas said, putting his hand onto the door handle.
"Lucas please." I begged, putting my hand onto his shoulder to stop him. There was a moment of silence.
"Let go of me!" Lucas threatened before sharply turning towards me and grabbing my wrist tightly. I stumbled back a few steps.
"I-I'm sorry." I apologised "but p-please don't go." Lucas didn't say Anything, instead he turned his back to me once again. " Lucas please." I began to cry. After that, I struggled to get any words out and began to stammer terribly. Once again, Lucas didn't respond. His silence was scaring me.

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