[Chapter 3]

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\\enchanted\\ - (noun) put (someone or something) under a spell.


"Heya," you spoke with a little wave, doing a quick headcount. There were only two others around, not that you were complaining. You were a bit glad it wasn't a group of, say, fifteen or something. There had been group of friends that were that large in your previous school. It always ended up in the group breaking into smaller groups. You were perfectly fine with having a smaller group of friends to hang out with. Despite how friendly you appeared, you were always one for smaller groups. You introduced yourself, though doubted it was needed as Elizaveta had exclaimed your name earlier. "I'm (Y/n) (L/n), nice to meet you..!"

They gave their greetings to you in response. The first was a girl named Mei Xiao; she seemed nice enough as well as pretty. She was probably considered pretty in the standards of most Asians. She had long, brown hair and a strange strand of hair that stuck out and looped into a strange shape-- was that natural? It looked quite peculiar. She also had brown eyes-- and a pink flower laced into her hair. Then again, you supposed you were meeting many people with peculiar features today. Blood red eyes, spiky hair-- wait. Now that you thought about your previous encounters, specifically the one after the quick greeting. The male who had called Mathias a 'Dane' did also have a weird strand of hair-- that was floating. You didn't actually pay much attention to it before. You wondered why.

The next girl had tanned skin and dark hair that might've reached around mid waist that were tied up into two pigtails with two red ribbons. Her brown eyes seemed to shine excitedly-- more so than the others. Her name was Michelle-- just Michelle. She left her surname blank for whatever reasons; you didn't want to pry, so you didn't. She seemed strangely enthusiastic to meet you in person; you weren't sure why that was, exactly.

There was a silence that decided to enter-- you were about to speak to crack it though it'd seem Michelle had beaten you at it. Her words were directed towards you. "Hey, um, this might be a rude thing to ask you, but are you the daughter of the magic user who goes by the alias 'C'? You know, um, (Mother/name) Cloaven?"

You paused at hearing your mother's name. Confused; that was what you were. You didn't recognize the name-- or rather, alias-- 'C'. However, you knew very well what your mother's name was; and that was the very name Michelle had uttered, (M/n) Cloaven. You didn't know how Michelle could possible know who your mother was; according to what your mother had told you in previous years, she was never really anything special. Of course, you always ended up turning the conversation into you exclaiming how amazing and great she was-- and you still thought she was all of those things. You really admired her.

"Mmh, that's my mom, yeah," you spoke in confirmation, nodding as you spoke. Perhaps Michelle looked up to your mother as much as you did? Still, that failed to explain why exactly she seemed so happy to meet (M/n)'s daughter-- you. "What.. about it--?"

"Ah, gosh, sorry," the tanned girl responded. You swore you could hear Elizaveta and Mei comically sighing, Elizaveta saying something like 'here she goes'. "It's just..! C! She's really amazing, super strong and skilled. She saved me when I was still in Seychelles, when some corrupt mages had come onto the island and started wrecking havoc. Do you know what she did? She prevent any sort of casualty at all; no harm was caused! Do you know how rare that is? Whenever a large group of corrupt magic users appear, nine of ten times there will be casualty if not deaths--!"

"Enchanted." [] Norway x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now