[Chapter 1]

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\\foreign\\ - (adjective) strange and unfamiliar.


Man, the place was so much bigger than it appeared. Being in it made you feel like-- feel like.. being one earth in a sun. You've heard that it took around one-point-three million Earths to fit into one sun-- which was kind of impressive. Yes, your current feeling was of that caliber. Actually, you could probably exaggerate it more, comparing it to something like how many Earths could fit in the Milky Way. Wait, no, that was exaggerating it too much. You were quite sure there wasn't an actual word describing the amount of Earths that could fit in a galaxy.

The path to the Main Hall was fairly straightforward; you supposed you should've expected there to be multiple maps laying around on a board on school grounds given how large it is. You silently thanked the school for understanding that they had chosen to make their school a tad bit too big. Thanks to the many signs and maps, you didn't get lost. That was actually kind of impressive-- you were good with decently-sized buildings, but enormous ones? No way, never let someone leave you alone in such a place. The maps were really easy to read-- whoever made them was a saint.


A voice-- which you deemed as incredibly carefree and energetic-- called out. You failed to react to the voice, since there were so many more people around in the large hall that he could be addressing. You didn't want to make a fool of yourself on the first day; you didn't want to do something like opening your arms and inviting a hug for a person who would run straight past you to hug someone behind you. God, you've done that before and it was really embarrassing. Actually, you were just stretching-- and it was a badly timed stretch. Later, you told them you were just stretching but they still poked fun at you occasionally for it. You simply continued on-- before, you know, a guy with gravity-defying hair approached you.

What was with all the strange physical features? Did he use enough hair gel to the point where it looked spiky or was it actually natural? Was he even aware of this--? He spoke, snapping you out of your thoughts. Kind of. Your gaze was still kind of attracted to the hair. Of course, there were a lot of other people around with weird appearances; it was so.. foreign. Kind of refreshing, too. Back in your town, everyone looked, to some extent, normal. Brown hair there, occasionally some blue eyes there. The natural colours; very rarely did someone in your town dye their hair an outlandish colour-- or put in differently coloured eye contacts. Or wear a strange outfit-- or even act strange and so forth.

"Uh.. yes..?" you responded, though your response was a bit slow in reaction. Like usual. "Can I assist you with anything? I'm sorry if I can't help you, since I'm actually new here and I have no idea how to work this place without having a map on me at the moment. Honestly, this place is so big that it's bigger than my hometown and it's kind of intimidating, but have you been around the halls? It's like a maze, you can start a race or something to see how could reach the other end of the property and it would take more than a minute, probably-- wait--! I could also be wrong because, theoretically speaking, if someone could teleport properly, they could most likely just teleport to the other end, gah- I'm really sorry, just ignore what I said earlier I realized I was being a bit ignorant. Is that the right word? I'm just--"

You paused, taking a deep breath. You forgot to breathe while going on that little rant of yours. With slight horror, you realized you let your habits get a hold of you once more. It was a habit that you failed to get rid of. Despite being a good student, you would occasionally get in trouble for speaking way more than needed. It usually only happened when you were feeling a large torrent of emotions like being overwhelmed or nervous and such. You could talk about your thoughts and basically scream it out to the world for hours if the situation made you that nervous. You tried to get rid of it, but it was hard since it was essentially a part of you now. Hell, in your mind, you went on for more than necessary even when you weren't feeling those emotions. You guessed it was harder to control how many words left your lips when feeling stronger emotions-- you were sometimes made fun of because of this habit. Of course, there usually no ill will behind the friendly teasing. None that you could catch, anyway. You managed to fumble with a simple, one-worded apology. The spiky-haired male seemed greatly amused, though didn't say anything regarding your little habit. You spoke once more.

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