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\\magic\\ - (noun) the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.


You liked to think you were quite magical. You haven't done anything magical or anything that you've been aware of like summoning fire from the palms of your hands or magically disappearing and teleporting. Nothing like that. But your mother had been able to use magic-- specializing in cold magic. Your mother's side of the family were heavy on the magic and all that fun stuff, your father being a normal human being. When you had gone to the doctors, you were told that you did indeed have the capability to use and learn magic-- though it was apparent that it wasn't as strong since you were born with a normal human-being and magic-user as your parents. It was still there, though, so it meant something, right? It surely did, since you got accepted into one of the largest academies there were that existed to help those with magic potential develop their skills. One of the major eight, actually. More specifically, Earth's academy. While it definitely wasn't one of the most renown, it was still something-- it wasn't like you were so optimistic that you had hoped to get into one of the top three-- Jupiter's Academy, Saturn or Mercury's Academy-- nah, that wasn't going to happen. Those academies were for the people who trained beforehand-- not there to learn the basics, but there to get stronger and learn more complicated things. Of course, with the positives that came with getting into the academy, the negatives came close in pursuit. For one, you wouldn't be able to see your parents anymore.

You wouldn't get to see them every morning anymore.

You were required to move into the academy and live with a roommate in the dormitories provided by the school. Of course, you could go and visit your parents during the long breaks, but it'd be... quite expensive. And, not saying that you were poor or anything, you and your family weren't exactly the wealthiest. You supposed you'd have to rely on video chats and texting them as a replacement for seeing your mother and father in the kitchen every morning. Ah, today really was here. The last day you'd see your parents for quite a while-- the day you left your humble little town to go to a place that was almost known worldwide. Upon thinking about it further, it kind of intimidated you. Leaving the comforts of a place you're oh-so familiar with and moving to a place that would be completely foreign to you. What if the customs were too different? What if what you were used to considered incredibly rude? Many questions started to flood your mind, causing you to be nervous. Given the fact that you weren't afraid to show your emotions in your household, your parents noticed that easily and spoke up.

"(Y/n)? You'll do great, I know it," your father spoke with a grin, fixing up the (f/c) coloured scarf given to you by your older brother and securing it. You gave a grin of your own in return, quietly thanking him as you took your suitcase-- packed with your necessities as well as some extras that you might need during the trip there and only that since everything else was going to be transferred by the academy-- and left to go get into your father's car, leaving your suitcase in the car's trunk. The trip to the airport was quieter than usual; though it wasn't the type of silence that was suffocating. No, it was a comforting silence-- one encouraging you. You watched the scenery around you pass by as the car drove on forwards, leaning back. It didn't take too long before you got to the closest airport, you leaving.

"I'm definitely going to miss you," you spoke softly, giving your father a hug after you had gotten your suitcase out. "Stay well, okay? Tell mom I'll miss her too, okay?"

He chuckled, returning the hug. Soon, you both pulled back. "Got'cha. Don't worry, I'll take care of the family-- or maybe it'll be your mother doing that, aha. Besides, it's not like we'll be placed so far apart together immediately. Call often, okay? I'll do my best to respond!"

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