Chapter 1.

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"I don't understand." Kaylee said, sitting on the little bed in the doctor's office. The paper crinkled under her bottom. Her mom sat beside her in the small wooden chair, crying quietly. Apparently she knew exactly what was going on.

"I'm sorry, Kaylee. I hate to have to tell you this. You have esophageal cancer." She stared at her doctor, not exactly sure how to respond. "You will need to go over to the cancer center to talk to your Oncologist. She is a wonderful woman, and she will explain how your treatments will work. I really am sorry, sweetie." The doctor placed his hand on her tan hand gently, and then stood up and walked away.

Kaylee's mom, Brenda, was crying harder now. She looked down at her from her position on the bed, and placed her hand on her shoulder. "Maybe we should go talk to the Oncologist." She suggested quietly. Kaylee felt like she was going to be sick. She felt the pressure to stay strong for her mother, even though she felt like her world was being destroyed. Together, the mother and daughter walked hand-in-hand to the cancer ward to search for my new doctor.

The doctor was extremely sweet, and she explained everything to Kaylee in terms that she could understand. Her cancer wasn't too advanced, it shouldn't be hard to treat. The tumor in her throat wasn't huge, so she wouldn't have to worry about having a feeding tube. The treatments would start on Monday, and today was Wednesday, and she was relieved that she wouldn't have to start right away. She would have chemo every Monday and then radiation three days a week. She gave Kaylee a few packets and pamphlets and sent the mother and daughter home once she answered their questions. 

Kaylee's mother didn't say a word to her on the way back to their small house in La Push. The lived right near the little grocery store, which is where Kaylee worked part time. She had just graduated from high school, and she was planning on going to college to be a nurse, which would be expensive, so she saved as much money as she could. "Mom, I think I'm going to go next door. I need to talk to Embry." She looked torn, but she finally agreed to let Kaylee go.

She knocked on the door and Embry opened it, grinning widely. "LeeLee! What are you doing here?" Embry was a year younger than she was, and he was about to begin his senior year in the fall. 

"I need to talk to you." Kaylee's voice was beginning to crack slightly, and she saw his eyes widen. He opened the door wider and invited her in, and the two went upstairs to his room. "I just came back from the doctor. He said the reason I have been having a little trouble swallowing is because of the tumor in my throat. He told me... that I have cancer. In my esophagus." Embry looked like he was going to be sick, and he was shaking incredibly hard.

"God, LeeLee. I'm so sorry." His voice was rougher than normal, and he pulled her in close to his extremely warm body. She finally couldn't hold back her tears, and she started to sob into his chest.

After crying for what felt like hours, Kaylee pulled back from his soaking wet shirt. His cheeks were damp as well. "Embry? Jacob is here!" His mother yelled up the stairs. He quickly wiped his cheeks and stood up. Jacob walked into Embry's room, grinning widely.

"Hey man, what's going-.." He trailed off, looking into Kaylee's eyes. She had met Jacob Black only a few times before, even though he was another best friend of Embry's. He was staring at her like he was seeing the sun for the first time, and she could feel Embry begin to shake again.

"LeeLee, I'm gonna walk you to your house, okay? If you need to talk, come back whenever." He shot Jacob a look as the two walked past him, and she offered the tall man a weak wave. He looked dazed still, and he sat down on the edge of Embry's bed. "LeeLee, I really am sorry. I'm going to be here for you every step of the way." He promised, hugging the small girl tightly. She hugged him back, sniffling into his chest. He was such a sweet boy and a good friend. 

"Thanks Em. Go back to Jacob, I'll be okay." She felt a strange tug in her chest when she mentioned Jacob's name, but she didn't say anything about it. Embry kissed her forehead and went back into his house, and Kaylee opened the door to her own home. Her mom was sitting at the kitchen table, the phone in one hand and a pen in the other. She was writing furiously on a notebook in front of her. Kaylee didn't say anything, instead just going upstairs and going into the bathroom.

She turned the faucet on, filling the tub up with extremely hot water. She stripped out of her clothes and slid down into it. Even though it was burning hot, she was still shaking. Kaylee felt like she couldn't comprehend what had happened today, everything felt like a dream. Also, for some reason, she couldn't get Jacob Black out of her mind. He had some type of hold on her, and she was hoping that she would get to see him again.

She decided not to call into work the next day. If she sat around the house all day by herself, she would be depressed and miserable. She got to the store and put on her little apron, and counted the money in my cash register that the manager presented her with. Kaylee walked over to her register area and flicked on the light, letting the customers know that her line was open.

After a few hours of some very nice and some not so nice customers, a familiar face came through her line. Jacob Black sat down a ridiculously large amount of hot dogs, hamburgers, buns, and baked beans on the belt of the register. "Jacob! How are you?" Kaylee knew that she sounded overexcited, and she felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment.

"I'm good, Kaylee. How about you?" He looked at her adoringly, his heart thumping loudly in his chest. 

"I've been better. What are you doing with all of this food?" She asked, scanning the groceries and placing them in bags.

"We're having a bonfire tonight down on the beach. Do you think that you would, maybe want to come hang out?" He looked down at the ground nervously for a split second before making eye contact again.

"That sounds .. okay. I get off in about thirty minutes, I can make it tonight." Jacob smiled a huge beautiful smile, and it made Kaylee's heart flutter.

"Great! See you tonight!" He said, paying for his groceries and pushing the buggy out of the store. Kaylee leaned against her register, feeling flustered and woozy. She couldn't wait until tonight. But she scared to get too close to Jacob. She was like a ticking time-bomb, and anything could happen to her at anytime. He didn't deserve that. 

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