Dabi ♡

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Enjoy :D request from : lilly34gamermc
(If any mistakes please point them out :D)

'Damn you!!'

"P-PLEASE SPAR ME!" You heard the citizen say and you put your hand on the males face seeing it slowly fall apart.

"Neh neh... this is satisfying why would I stop.." You said evilly watching the man disintegrate.

Beep beep.

You looked to the side and saw it was your phone to see your brother shigaraki sending you a text saying new people will be joining the agaency.

"Really? Gah guess my fun is over~" you removed your hand to see the males eyes closed and not opening.

"Oh well I guess I'll have no trouble with the cops."

And then you left the alley way and back to your brother.

- - -

Opening the door you see your dear brother and Kurogiri sitting by the island table to see your brother ofc crying over stain and all might.

"Oh (y/n) where did you run off to? Your brother asked and you gave a chuckle and you walked to the couches to slump down.

"Oh dear brother you should know what I do when I run off" you said making him shrug knowing you went to go do sorts of evil things.

"Where these new people?" You asked.

"They late of course." He said irritated making you grunt.

"They will be here soon don't get into your little tantrums" Kurogiri said earning a chuckle from you of how your older brother was actually a baby.

"They better not be useless cause the need of killing the number one hero will be history and the attention of stain will be gone... I'll then get all the attention I want."  Your brother said.

You rolled your eyes. What a baby.
You then heard the door bell chim and saw a man smoking a cigar and walk into the door.

"Damn when I saw a photo of you I didn't know you were going to be this hideous " you scoffed at how he insulted your older brother.

A school girl who really showed her physo showing she was more crazy then you were.
You eyes then traveled to the male who had burns on his face and arms and had fluffy black hair and bright blue eyes.

'Heh noooot bad at all...'

You were totally checking him out.

The male explains of how she is a murder of many suspects. She smiles widely and Introduces herself as Himiko Toga who seemed to interest you and finally you have a female partner. She starts squealing on how she wants to kill like stain and desperately wants to join the league.

"Then we have this dude who hasn't really done flashy murders but is committed with the stain act" The man explains.

"I don't like this" you hear the man groan.

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