Izuku Midoriya ♡

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"HOW COULD YOU." Midoriya screamed punching Bakugou straight in the face.

Midoriya was on the edge of killing someone.
Why? Let me review the whole story.
The class decided to do a one vs one match and you were paired up with Bakugou.

Midoriya always had fate for you. You were his first ever loving support girlfriend. You were his light and the reason he hasn't given up. When he saw you fighting with the angry bomb he was getting nervous. You were about to win until...

Bakugou went full fire explosion on you and when the smoked cleared you were in the ground and went unconscious.

Bakugou was even scared he might have killed you and didn't know what to do or say.

When you were on the ground Midoriya ran to you falling next to your cold body. You were breathing but you were not waking up.

Midoriya cried and cried hoping it would wake you up. He held you close and then laid on the ground. He saw how many scratches and burnt marks you had. He couldn't belive it. He knew Katsuki did horrible stuff to his loving things and himself but this, this was cross the line for Midoriya.

When Midoriya got up he turned to katsuki ready for a fight.

Which lead to this scenario here.
Midoriya being held back by the boys and Bakugou being startled. Bakugou knew he just did something so evil.

"YOU CAN HURT ME BUT WHY HER AND YOU EVEN KNEW HOW I LOVED HER" Midoriya screamed as his eyes couldn't control his tears. Midoryia started shouting how Bakugou was honestly the biggest jerk ever and Bakugou couldn't even say anything back. He held his cheek and just looked at the angry boy. His eyes full of anger.

"Midoriya calm down!!!" Todoroki said holding his left arm.

"Dude!!" Kirishima said he was holding his right arm.

Midoriya all of sudden had so much strength and the two males where having problems holding him back.

The class was so scared. The most purest thing in the class has turned the tables.

Recovery girl, All Might and midnight came and saw the scene.

Aizawa was checking on Bakugous cheek , half the class were frozen.

And the two males holding back Midoriya.

Recovery girl ran to (y/n)s body and checked if she was still breathing and such.

Midnight came and used her quirk to knock out Midoriya. Midoryia fell to the ground his eyes red and puffy and he seemed so tired.

It's like part of his life just broke cause of what happned.

"I'll take it from here" recovery girl said. All  might came and pick you and the young male up into his arms and went off to the recovery rooms.

Time passed and you were in recovery girls room still not awake.

"Ughh..." Midoriya groaned and woke up. He rubbed his bed hair and tried to recall what happen.
His eyes shot open.

"(Y/N)!!!" He said looking around. He saw you next to him and he jumped out the bed and went on the other side of your body and took your hand.

He started to sob. He saw your half naked body wrapped in bandages and you looked so finished and you had a big injury on your shoulder sidewards crossing your chest but it was half covered in bandages.

How could his child hood friend ever do this. He thought. He wished he knew how powerful this guy can be and yet he gave all hope and now here were the results.
You knocked out badly in a recovery room.

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