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Tequila, beer or scotch could not get the memory of the kiss out of his head. Oh no, it was stuck on replay. Her slender arms around his neck, her oh so soft lips, her sweet, sweet mouth and her ardent replies to his kiss were what he thought of every morning when he woke up from sleep, all day long and at night before he went to bed. Damn, he wished the kiss with her were like the others he has had with other women: hurried and filled with lust.

"Give me another glass." He ordered while pushing an empty glass towards Shannon, who was behind the counter.

"Do you want whiskey, scotch or tequila?" She asked, while removing two bottles from the shelf.

"Give me a bit of all." He replied and went ahead to loosen his necktie.

"Coming right up." Shannon said. "Btw, you look awful. What has happened to you?"

Colin heaved a long sigh, not knowing how to answer the question. Nothing happened to him today. In fact, he did something to someone. He had been a total jerk to Alexia, boasting about how she trembled in his arms and became like his puppet.

It was true to some extent however, he had also turned to mush during their kiss from the sweet, sweet, taste of her mouth. Damn, it had been hard wanting her lips but not getting them. However, now that he had tasted it. It has become torture, because he knew the taste, but could not have it.

"Is it work?" Shannon enquired further while giving him his drink.

"No, it's not work related." Colin replied and raised the glass to his lips. He drunk it all in one gulp and then placed the glass on the table. After a few seconds, he closed his eyes and unfortunately, he could still remember the taste of her sweet mouth. "Give me something stronger, Shannon. Don't you have any strong alcoholic drinks?"

"We do." She replied.

"Then give it to me." He snapped, startling her.

"Alright. I'll get it right away." Shannon left the counter and disappeared through a door.

The front door suddenly burst open and then the boys entered, hooting and laughing. Colin turned his gaze in their direction. "Hey, guys." He called and they saw him.

"Colin." They called together and rushed to the counter. They have not seen each other since the unfortunate day Alexia found out about the bet.

"Colin, how are you feeling?"

"I hope you're not disappointed? Don't worry, you'll find someone else."

"Shut up guys." Mark interrupted what was about to become a long session of questions and useless advices from Bernard and Nathaniel. "Let's go over to our booth and talk about it." He added and they all went there and sat down.

"Shannon, get us our regular." Bernard yelled towards the counter, at the same time Shannon was getting behind it.

"So Colin, how have you been doing since that big reveal?" Mark asked, while squeezing Colin's hand.

"Come on Mark." Nathaniel said in disgust. "Be cool okay and stop being such a wuss."

"Yeah, man up." Bernard sided with Nathaniel. "Even Colin, the one who has been busted, isn't behaving like this."

"Come on, guys stop it." Colin came to Mark's defence. "He's only concerned."

"No, what he is...is a sissy." Nathaniel shot up. "He has become a girl all thanks to that secretary he's obsessed with. Can you believe it? He is dating her!" He threw a disgusted look at Mark. Nathaniel has never believed in relationships and thought any man who got into one, was not man enough.

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