Chapter Thirty Two

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Twelve o'clock still felt early to Angus. Perhaps it was the late night chat stamping grogginess across his face, but he didn't regret it a bit. Yawning, he shifted on the bed closing the distance that had formed while the two were asleep. Hannah didn't stir, and he held her still until her eyes would open. 

Ten minutes later and they did. He smiled when they fluttered a few times, then closed again as she yawned. Her hair was a mess, and a dried trail of drool started right under her lip finishing on a wet spot on the pillow. Angus reached a thumb up to wipe it off. "Good mornin'," he mumbled. 

"Good morning," she mumbled back. She yawned again, pushing him back as she stretched, then curled up into his arms again. "How long have you been up?"

"Not long, not long," he whispered. The dried drool finally came off and he rested his hand on her back. "You sleep good?"

"I'm a little tired," she answered truthfully.

"I'm a lottle tired," Angus said. "But that's alright, I always am." Hannah's eyes closed again, the bedspread pulled up to her nose. Having a bed as small as it was didn't bother them a bit, especially as winter was settling in again. It had been months since Angus slept on the couch, the day of change something neither remembered. 

"You're going to the studio tomorrow, right?" Hannah asked into his shirt. "Not today?"

"No, not today," he answered. "I'll be there all day tomorrow, we've got the tour to plan, ya' know." Hannah sighed in content. Leaning in to see her better, he fixed the collar of her (his) sweater when it got tussled in sleep. "Happy anniversary," he whispered.

Hannah's eyes never opened quicker. Angus grinned like a schoolboy at her look of fear and  confusion. "Anniversary?"

"You forget?"

"I'm not sure I quite know what I'm forgetting," Hannah said rubbing her eyes. 

"Movin' in," Angus said playing with her ringless hand. "Been a whole year, ya' know."

"A year? Are you sure?" Hannah asked. 

"I think so," Angus said. "Give or take a few days." Angus could hear the clock in the kitchen ticking away. He finally got himself a new one, but still kept his watch on the nightstand beside him. The old one was given to Mr. Nelson, who took it with utmost gratitude, eager to fix it and hang it up among his collection. 

Along with the new clock, Angus was able to pay off rent several months ahead, making the inconvenience something to forget about for a while. Hannah's oath to her mother had been broken, with the hopeful belief that if her mother ever did find out, she'd understand and want Hannah in the best place possible. Travis' care was nothing compared to this. Hannah's job was going well, eventually being switched to the local paper once they had enough money to afford her starting over from low pay. The band had gotten together earlier that year to record a new album, one that sold out everywhere a week after it was released. A tour was coming, a trip they all could use. The whole journey had been a highway to hell, making the album's debut unforgettable. 

"Time sure flies when you're sleeping," Hannah muttered, snuggling as close as she could. "I think I'll keep sleeping, wake up in time for next year's anniversary."

"You can't sleep today, we've got things to do." Hannah mumbled something he couldn't hear. "What?"

"Aren't there rules about people doing things on days like these? Anniversaries, birthdays, Saturdays..."

"What rules?"

"You aren't allowed to leave bed and everyone serves you food while you watch cartoons?" Angus laughed.

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