Re-Incarnated Love Ch.6

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Damn! I have school today. After all the shit I went through yesterday!

I looked up to see Siren still sleeping with his mouth slightly parted looking so peaceful.

I turned around me to see Neris lightly snoring. They are so cute in the morning. I could just stare at their faces all day but Rex suddenly jumped on me and started licking my face and then Claws joined in.

"Who's a good boy, who's a good boy? You two are" I said in my weird high pitched voice I use when talking to animals and babies.

" Ugh. I'm trying to sleep" Neris groaned and rolled over.

"Whatever. Siren won't you get up with me? I need to take a shower but it seems like Neris is too busy to come with me."

"I'm up!" Neris flung himself out of bed and ended up falling in the process.

"You're such a perv" I said to him laughing like crazy and I helped him up.

Neris just blushed really hard. He is to cute.

"Siren get up"

"Uhhh. I'm still tired."

"How bout I wake you up?" I pounced on him, my legs on both side of his body and I kissed him. It was a slow and passionate kiss. "Up yet?" I said with a little smirk

"Definitely" he said returning the smirk

"How come he gets a kiss?"

"Because he's my boyfriend dummy. He was here first" by here I mean my body, which probably sounded slutty now that I think about it.

"I'm going to go take a shower. Alone"  I looked at Neris for the last part. He pouted but I ignored it even though he looked so cute

After I finished showering I changed into my clothes seductively in front of Siren and Neris. I could practically hear them moaning begging for my body.

Lol I did always like sexually teasing people.

"Enjoying the view?" I said with a wink.

They just nodded in return, neither looking up to meet my eyes.

I laughed a little and swayed my hips on my way out of my room. I didn't look back to see if they were following me, because I already knew the answer to that.

I walked into the kitchen and ate some cereal, before grabbing my keys heading outside.

I wish it would snow already. It is nearing the end of fall but it's been really warm.

Just snow today already.

I opened my door to get covered in frost that blew in. I shut the door quickly and looked it my window to see if it was actually snowing.


I turned around quickly to tell Siren that we aren't going to school today but I ended up ramming into Neris.

"Oof, my bad" I rubbed my head feeling a bruise and went back into the kitchen to get an ice pack.

I saw Siren on the couch waiting for me.

"No school! It's snowing!"

"That's unusual. The weather forecast said sunny all day. I know sometimes the weather is inaccurate but this is way off"

"Backwards global warming or something. Don't question it." I said hesitantly

"Jacob, did you have anything to do with this?"

"I may have wished that it would snow today, but that doesn't mean anything. I can't control weather"

"Apparently you can. Now we a blizzard and it's expected to be at least 2 feet of snow. Some people might get trapped in their houses."

Re-Incarnated Love (BoyxBoy)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt