Re-Incarnated Love Ch.5

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"What do guys see in me that is so fucking amazing! I'm just a slightly under average guy." I don't even know why I'm getting mad I just am.

"You're wrong. You are so extremely special God himself gave you a wish so you'll join his army."

"Why would God want me on his army?"

"Not just God. Everyone in heaven and hell wants you. Didn't Siren tell you what you are?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about"

"If you come with me I'll show you everything you want to know"

"Come with you where?"

"The underworld"

I know the obvious answer was no, but he had important info that could probably change my life.

"Will you protect me in there?" I don't want to go there and get gang banged by a bunch of perverted demons.

"I'll always protect you." I don't know if I should trust him. He seemed like a good person at heart but on the other hand he could have been lieing about everything.

"I want to leave Siren a message first."

"I already left him one."

"What if he didn't notice it?"

"Trust me, he must be blind and death to miss such an obvious message"

"Ok then. I guess I'll go with you. But if I suddenly want to go back you'll take me back no questions asked, got it? And keep your hands to yourself this time"

"Okay. Now close your eyes."


"Just do it. It's the only way to get in the underworld without killing you"

"Fuck ok then" now I'm a bit scared

I felt suddenly cold, my body was freezing but then another body was pressed against mine.

I absorbed the other person's heat till the temperature rose at an incredible speed till I was sweating a little.

I tried to back away from the body a little to reduce some heat, but the body forced me back towards it in a tight hug.

"Don't wonder off while still in the transportation process. It could result in death"

Does he want me to shit myself right now?

"Sure, but can I open my eyes now?"

"Go ahead" I opened my eyes but the scenery was breath taking.

There were volcanoes everywhere and little villages were spread around. The place looked a lot like a very red version of Hawaii.

"Isn't the supposed to be torturing devices and evil souls burning around here?"

"That's the dark void of the underworld. I and most demons live here on what we call Vitam Mundi."

"Why is there a huge castle over there" not that far from here was a humongous black castle about as tall as the Umpire State Building in New York.

"That is the dark lord's home. He has his army there, his vast amount of servants, and his family."


"His three sons. Markus the oldest, and Raven and Lithius were twins.

"Why did you have to bring me here to tell me what I am?"

"Telling you wouldn't be enough, you'll have to see for yourself. Also your real father would like to talk to you"

"My real dad? My dad's on earth on a business trip"

Re-Incarnated Love (BoyxBoy)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant