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a/n: this chapter has a lot of steven universe references/slight spoilers if you're not far in the show,  so if you haven't seen it this might not make much sense but bare with me c:

message from amazingphil

amazingphil: dan
read 13:19

amazingphil: dan
read 15:37

amazingphil: dan
read 16:26


daniel: okay finished the show what do you want to talk to me about

amazingphil: WHAT


daniel: I said I watched a little bit awhile ago, and I'm a curious boi that didnt have classes, what did you want to tell me

amazingphil: who's your favourite gem?

daniel: now ..

daniel: I have to think about this.

daniel: I feel like the obvious one that relates to me is Lapis,  but I don't completely relate to her,  as she has a past with Jasper, that seems close to an abusive relationship, which I have never dealt with. Apart from that,  she feels like every one is against her, she doesn't fit in with the rest of her friends, resulting in her leaving earth, away from danger and the diamonds,  rather than staying with her friends. I can relate, cant,  everything else,  she's me. so favourite idk

daniel: quite possibly amethyst,  she has issues with being different, weaker,  and a runt,  resulting in hating herself,  but she's also clumsy and stuff not me so,,

daniel: then there's Pearl, which my favourite part of her,  is that she's loyal, and pretty cool,  quite underrated. She misses dearly the one she loves,  and never let her go, fought with her,  and took care of her son,  but again,  not favourite worthy.

daniel: So definitely Lapis. I'm lapis c:

daniel: then again,  I love garnet..

daniel: who's your favourite?

amazingphil: LION!!

daniel: of course he is

daniel: wait you asked that question to distract me,  you knew I would answer so descriptively!

amazingphil: ☺

daniel: tell me what you wanted to tell me 😟

amazingphil: fine..

amazingphil: I'll tell you through steven universe c:

amazingphil: you know ruby and sapphire?

daniel: of course


amazingphil: sapphire.. she's a rarity. almost no gem is like her.

amazingphil: she's sweet, compassionate,  and literally the other half to her partner, ruby,  who is hothead,  practically the opposite, which makes them balance perfectly together.

daniel:  phillll I know all this, you made me watch it.

amazingphil: well..

amazingphil: I was thinking this for awhile.

amazingphil: by awhile,  I mean years..

amazingphil: I seriously hope this doesn't ruin anything.. 

amazingphil: you see,  i've always liked you dan.

amazingphil: hell I still like you

amazingphil: I don't mean to ruin our friendship that we've had for years, but I feel like I should tell you since its been this long..

amazingphil: really, if I must keep spilling my secrets after this long,  might as well spill everything.

amazingphil: I have loved you ever since I was 16 dan

amazingphil: we've been apart for so long..  but...

amazingphil: I still love you dan


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