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message from amazingphil

amazingphil: so

amazingphil: have you seen steven universe?

daniel: not a lot of it, no.   does this have to do with what you wanted to tell me?

amazingphil: ... 

amazingphil: no

amazingphil: but it can be, watch the show and I'll tell you what I wanted c:

daniel: the whole show??

amazingphil: the whole show

daniel: tHat wIlL bE fOrEvEr

amazingphil: fine,  until you at least seen and know every character.

amazingphil: its friday, you probably don't have anything else to do right?

daniel: can't you just tell me now :c

amazingphil: no watch the show iTS MY FAVORITE 

daniel: you'd think your favorite show was the walking dead cause you're dead to me

amazingphil: bad. bad dan :c


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