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new message from amazingphil

amazingphil: morning, rat

daniel: its noon and im at school wtf morning?

amazingphil: close enough? 

daniel: its five PM for you that's worse!


amazingphil: good afternoon

daniel: a lil late to correct yourself philip


daniel: and stop reminding me there's a huge time difference between us makes me sad 🙁

amazingphil: as you wish,  daniel

daniel: that movie was relevant billion years ago.


amazingphil: still makes you sob waterfalls don't lie

daniel: u stfu

amazingphil: make me hoe

daniel: don't make me come back to london and beat u

daniel: with hugs

daniel: cause I miss u

amazingphil: that's a lil gay


daniel: I can't help it its who I am


amazingphil: and who you are cries to romance princess movies


daniel: stfu not as bad as crying in fear of horror movies

daniel: aren't you supposed to be 'the big bad punk'


amazingphil: THAT WAS YEARS AGO


daniel: I wouldn't be surprised if you're still scared




daniel: thats nOT scary


daniel: if anything you probably watch is for sam, dean and, cas,  not the actual plot

amazingphil: ..

amazingphil: ur not completely wrong


daniel: ghey

amazingphil: ghey 4 u

message not sent
amazingphil deleted the conversation


amazingphil: u know it

daniel: so how's school back at london

amazingphil: boring.  everyones scared of me,  cause my new tats and piercings.

daniel: lame they probably look cool

amazingphil: more like badass! 

daniel: ppl are just jealous


amazingphil: yea jealous they don't have their own flat and job and sick tats


daniel: you have a job and a flat?


amazingphil: yeah, dad kicked me out a bit ago


amazingphil: it's all good tho

 daniel: so you're all alone..?

amazingphil: yup.  its all good,  I have you now 😄

daniel: hey we can be alone and depressed together


amazingphil: relationship goals 😍 😍 


 daniel: we're not in a relationship tho lmao haha


amazingphil: haha yea


daniel: where do you work?


amazingphil: starbucks aren't I so cool? 


daniel: give me coffee pls

amazingphil: right away sir, what will it be?  

daniel: caramel macchiato

amazingphil: u still drink that after all these years

daniel: u do too

amazngphil: shit u rite

daniel: yo phil gtg to class now ttyl

amazingphil: ttyl 😘

daniel: 😊🔪

Hey there, Daniel ;; phanWhere stories live. Discover now