The Final stand

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(Credits belong to the anonymous artist who drew this Battle Knockout art)

Not Today~BTS

The diamond steel insignia of the Iron Rose glistened among the Warriors. They all entered the battlefield and fought alongside the Autobots.

Among the Cybertron battlegrounds, all sorts of powerful and futuristic weapons were used, and even sorcery. Chaos forged on. Sparks and ashes fell endlessly onto the battlefield. Energon blood was shed and heavy losses on both factions.

Megatron, the warlord had not noticed until now, the arrival of more allies of the opposing faction. The symbol seemed somewhat familiar and also some whatnot.

"Well, what is this nameless faction you lead?" He growled at Knockout.

"I don't lead the Iron Rose, Firestar does." Replied Knockout.

"A shame you cannot be spared." Sneered Megatron.

Firestar flew into the air, the moment she landed back onto the ground, fire and electricity rushed through the battlefield. The Decepticons by Megstron's side were caught on fire as they were levitated in the air, just with a single movement of her servo. The attack was mainly directed at the warmonger himself.

Megatron managed to dodge the incoming firestorm, but not his troops that stood by him.

A look of anger and betrayal seeped into the warlord.

Immediately Megatron broke free from Optimus's sword and charged towards Knockout. Knockout was fighting Starscream and a Decepticon Soldier.
Tomo quickly swooped down and gladly swallowed the Decepticon soldier leaving only Starscream to face for Knockout.

"Well well, if it isn't our little traitor Knockout!" Snarled Starscream, preparing to launch his missile.

"It's such a shame you are one too." Knockout snarled back.

Knockout swiftly dodged the shot and the missile flew. The missile had directly hit Shockwave.

"Knockout you traitor! How could you join the Autobots!" Snarled Starscream.

"I CHOSE TO FIGHT FOR THE AUTOBOTS. The right side, Your Faction or side will bring Destruction to not only Cybertron But Also Earth!"  Snarled Knockout.

"Oh Please! I bet you joined them just to be with your Sparkmate! Don't Think I Don't Know About Your Little Love Life!" Snickered Starscream
"Even Lord Megatron knows." Seethed Starscream again.

"It's Not Just For Love, YES I ADMIT I FELL IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE BUT ALSO IM FIGHTING NOT JUST FOR HER,  BUT FOR OUR KIND AND OUR SURVIVAL! Don't you see What Megatron is doing?!" Snarled Knockout

By the time Knockout fought Starscream who was wounded and escaped, Megatron walk in front of him and cuffed the dark sabre sword around Knockout's neck.

Y/N, Storm and Mercedez managed to break free and successfully defeated the incoming Decepticon army. They charged forward to where Knockout was.

"Don't Move! Or He will die!" Threatened Megatron.

Behind Knockout stood a figure, he couldn't see who it was until a couple of seconds later, it was Breakdown.

"LET HIM GO." Demanded Y/N.

"Never!" Snarled Megatron.

Anger seeped into Knockout for Megatron threatening his sparkmate.

Knockout had to do something, but what?

"Take me instead! I don't mind being your experiment again!" Orderd Mercedez, stepping forward.

"You're No Use To Me!" Chuckles the Warlord, he then moved his sword closer to Knockout's neck cables.

"Let Him Go and Take Me Instead." Commanded a voice.

It was Y/N.

"No!" Cried Knockout.

"Do It." Commanded Y/N.

Megatron released the hold of Knockout against his sword he was about to move forward when someone behind him ordered "Run!"

Y/N ran like the speed of light, Knockout followed but it was too late,
Knockout watched in horror as the Megatron's sword sliced through his spark and watched the blood flow slowly from him. Breakdown ran forward to help him but only made things worse. His servo came closer to where it was.
"No!" Called a voice.

Then another sound of a sword slashing came from the sky.

Y/N rose higher and higher into the sky, Knockout and Storm watched in horror as the deciduous sword somehow sliced through her spark from her own hand. It was really the enemy that wounded her, but it looked like it was suicidal.

Knockout should have paid attention to who was charging at him next time and should've run faster when he got the chance: With surprisingly some strength and some sort of energy left, Knockout crawled towards Firestar. She was free-falling from the sky, not moving.

Knockout winced at the sound of her back hitting the tip of the sword as he caught her.  He hoped Y/N was alright. She was strangely not bleeding but was unconscious, the sword must've done something. Knockout held his tears, he did everything for her to wake up. At last, when no one was watching, tears began to fall from Knockout. Storm didn't know who to help first, Y/N or Knockout, who was bleeding and she watched in horror as his energon blood dripped onto Y/N's glowing sword. Knockout, with all his strength left, carried her away from the battlefield, onto the entrance of The Shadow, and collapsed. What Knockout did not notice was the fact that his healing powers had healed some of her wounds and his own, and a shadow had appeared looming over them.

The engine of The Shadows spaceship roared to life as the Elite warriors retreated.

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