Street Racing

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(Track Blazer from Love Nikki Dress Up Game Art by Luisa Chen)

Note: Above is your holoform


Location:Jasper, Nevada, U.S.
Summer 2017

"Why not take a break, you all worked and fought hard. Go explore and be back before dark." Decided Y/N.

"Really?! Thanks, Y/N." Replied Mercedez, dipping her head.

"All my warriors deserve some rest and free time every day." Smiled Y/N.

"Snow wanna go for a race?!" Asked Y/N with a wink.

"Sure!" Replied Snow, happily.

"But remember, Warriors, be alert, just because we have free time, the enemy doesn't rest until we defeat them." She Warned.

"Yes, Firestar." Replied Mercedez.

Outside the spaceship, Tomo was preparing to give Jackson a flying lesson plus a racing lesson (in the sky).

"Tomo are you sure I can beat you, you're a plane after all?" Asked Jackson, who was unsure of whether to fly or not.

"Don't worry! It's easy! You have a jet form!" Exclaimed Tomo, the massive cyber plane dragon. "Jets are faster than planes like me and even Starscream!" Snickered Tomo.

"Alright, so how does this work?!" Asked Jackson Wang, nervously.

"Here, I'll explain as we take the skies!" Replied Tomo, preparing for his take-off.

"Alright." Replied Jackson, who transformed from his car form to jet form.

"Jackson, also, don't worry too much about turbulence, there isn't so much turbulence until you cross the international dateline." Said Tomo.

"Which is thousands of miles from here," replied Jackson, finishing Tomo's sentence and feeling a bit relieved.

"Jackson look! A jet stream!" Pointed out Tomo, excitedly.

"Cool!" Replied Jackson.

"A jet stream speeds up planes and you must fly with it not against it! Come on!" Beckoned Tomo.

Jackson followed Tomo towards the jet stream.


Third Pov

The canyons of Jasper, Nevada loomed ahead.

"Guess we're going street racing." Began Snow, smiling. She continued,
"Let's hope we win or at least have a friendly race!"

"Yeah." Replied Firestar, smiling too.

Firestar and Snow activated their holoform as they made their way towards.

They then made their way towards the starting line, they realized they weren't the only ones racing today.

Not far, hidden among the crowd of cars, was a cherry red Aston Martin.

"Him again?!" Hissed Snow.

Snow frowned and Firestar's smile disappeared too.

"What's he doing here." Whispered Storm.

"Probably taking a break." Snickered Mercedez, who decided to spectate the race.

: Pay attention to what he is doing.: Whispered Firestar through the com.

"Now be careful doll, I wouldn't ruin that beautiful and perfect finished car of yours." Began the red Aston martin.

"I'm no doll, And I highly doubt it!" She snarled.

"I'm no doll either, Me and my friend here are not who you think We are." Hinted Snow, whispering a warning.

"I doubt an Aston Martin like you can win a Lamborghini." Hissed Mercedez.

"We'll see about that." Replied the strange voice.

"Then so be the sound!" Y/N snarled.

Knockout did not know what that meant, but it did sound like a final warning coming from them.

The race began as soon as the checkerboard racing flag came down.

Accelerating and speeding up, Y/N and Snow were in the lead, with two cars behind them.

Suddenly, the red Aston Martin was hot at their tails.

The two decided to accelerate more, but it was hard losing the Aston martin.

The sharp turn was easily made by the two warriors, finally, they were close to the finish line.

Y/N and Snow won with ease, along with the Aston Martin. As other racers began to leave, they quickly sped off before anyone could give them the prize or make amends.

"That was fun." Admitted Snow as the race ended.

"Yeah, it was." Agreed Y/N

"Hey bestie, I challenge you for a friendly race." Began Snow.

"Sure, why not?!" Y/N replied with a smile.

The two had a tie, then they decided to go back to the futuristic spaceship.

Tattoo~The Boyz

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