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I awoke in my room. "Huh it was a dream?" I rubbed my head and checked my phone, 3 missed calls. They were all from boe. I called him back. "YOU NEVER SHOWED UP LAST NIGHT!" Boe growled "Huh?". I quickly hung up, looks like I never had sex with him. But everything else happened, stupid dreams. I wondered why my parents were still gone. I wandered the streets in search for my parents. "Hi!!" Sally grinned. "Sally, have you seen my parents?" just then a newspaper smacked me in the face. I grabbed the paper and started to read. "Couple dies in car accident trying to rescue 16 year old Megan Nussbaum, who was ran over by an unidentified driver and killed -July 1, 2014." I fell to the floor. "M-My par-rents..." I felt my anxiety level rise. "It's okay Megan, at least you'll see your parents." Sally patted my back. "W-where ar-re they." I shook. "They are resting, but you can see them once you finish what you're here for." after that Sally vanished. I sat there staring at the newspaper. I flew over to Collins house and set the newspaper on his desk, and left, I hope he reads it. I flew to the park and sat down, paper and pencil in hand. "Dear Dev, I've always liked you, but I knew you could do better. I've known you've liked me for years, I didn't notice how much you wanted me to know. I now realize that I belong with you, I'm sorry I discovered this just now, I'm afraid it's too late. I have and always will love you Dev, don't ever forget me. I'm waiting at the park, you'll know what to do." I went into Dev's room and set it on his pillow. I sat at the park awaiting for both Dev and Collin.

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